Chapter 13

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After the ball incident, everything went perfectly until a week and a half later. It was a Wednesday, I only had half a week left on my grounding. Three days then I could hang out with Christi as much as I wanted. It would be great! I had a game that night, and as promised Dad was there. It might be a little childish, but I loved when Dad came to my games. I think I played better too.

We finished the game, winning by only two baskets. When the game was done we went to the locker room for the post-game chat and to get changed. I walked out of the change room with Simon and Will, who were talking about the game still. I was looking around hoping to spot Christi.

Will stopped me by putting his arm out into my stomach.

"Dude, you told your Dad about that ticket you got right?" he asked staring off at something.

"Ticket? What?" I asked confused. That was until I followed his line of vision and saw his Dad and mine talking.

Shit. That ticket. No I had not gotten around to telling Dad about that yet. Truth be told I had forgotten about it up until this very moment.

"Do you think if I fake a heart attack he'll go easier on me?" I whispered to my friends.

At that moment Dad and Mr. Callaway turned and gave us hard glares.

"No way man," Simon said slapping me on the shoulder, "You're screwed. Now I'm going to find my parents before yours kill you two," he said turning and leaving.

"Bastard. I wish I could leave about now," Will said cautiously, "I'm not sure how, but somehow I'm going to be in trouble over this little stunt."

I looked over at Will confused, how could this possible be his fault? I didn't have the chance to ask, as our Dads picked that moment to approach us.

I gulped hard and felt Will stiffen beside me as they stopped in front of us.

"Good game boys," Walter Callaway greeted.

Dad didn't say anything, he just continued to glare at me.

"Dad I..." I started but was cut of by Dad raising a hand to signalize me to stop.

"Not now Jameson," Dad said trying to control his anger, "Go to the car. We will discuss this when we get home."

I just looked at my feet and mumbled a goodbye to Will as I followed Dad out.

The car ride home was silent. I could practically feel the anger poring off him in waves.

I tried to come up with a reasonable explanation for both getting the ticket and not telling Dad, but I kept coming up empty. I had nothing.

Too soon for my liking we pulled up in front of the house. Grandpa and Grandma left late last night to go home and Henry wasn't to be back until tomorrow morning so it was just Dad and me.

He pulled into the garage before addressing me.

"To your room. Get ready for bed. I'll be up in half hour," he said without looking at me.

I did what he said without complain. It may only be 9, but there was no way I was making him any angrier by arguing.

As I got ready for bed I thought of different excuses for both getting the ticket and not telling him about it. None of the reasons I came up with would be enough to get me out of this mess. No matter how I looked at it, Dad would see disobedience and lies. This entire situation sucked.

I just finished brushing my teeth and walked out of the bathroom when Dad opened the door, without knocking. He must be really ticked at me.

I froze half way to my bed and just awkwardly stood there waiting for him to say something.

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