Chapter 28 - Rich And Preston

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A.N: I know it's been a crazy long time... I have no excuse! Thanks to everyone who is still reading and enjoying my writing!

Special thanks to larrys_paradise for the idea for this chapter. I hope you enjoy! Dmk1234 here is the other half of your request Richard and Preston:)

Summary: Monica goes out of town and leaves Preston with Richard and James. Preston is not happy about the arrangements.

Some different POVs throughout the chapter (it alternated between Preston and James).

Preston POV...

Preston was sitting on his bed pouting when Monica came into check on her sons packing progress.

"Baby why aren't you packed yet? It's been three hours," she asked when she saw the still empty suitcase sitting on the bed.

"Cause I'm not going anywhere," Preston informed her.

"Oh really?" Monica asked putting her hands on her hips and giving him her 'mom' look, "I thought we already had this discussion."

"It wasn't a discussion, you just made all the decisions," Preston said crossing his arms across his chest.

"Yeah, well we aren't running a democracy here young man. My decisions concerning your well being are final," Monica informed her pouting teen.

"Not fair," Preston mumbled.

"Yeah well, life's not fair," Monica said getting tired of her sons brooding, "Get packed. Now." She added before turning to leave. She was stopped by her sons voice.

"No. I told you I'm not going. I'm 17. That's old enough to stay by myself," Preston said standing up and angrily crossing his arms across his chest.

Monica let out an unhappy sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose to try and ward off the headache she could feel coming on.

"Preston Levi, we have been over this already," she said using his given names, "I'm going to be gone for 4 days. You can't stay by yourself for that long... no don't give me that," she said when she saw her son open his mouth to protest. "I was there when you were born. I know how old you are."

"But mom, you know I'm responsible enough to be left by myself!" Preston protested.

"I know your very mature for your age, but baby, you won't have a car and we don't have any family around to come check in on you. It's easiest just to stay with Richard. I thought you liked him?" She asked.

"I do it's just..." Preston started then stopped not sure where he was going with it. It was true, as far as boyfriends for his mother, Richard was a decent one. It's just that over the past year his life had gotten completely torn apart.

First they had to move to a new town. Then his mom started seriously dating this guy with this terrible kid and to top it all off, he was acting fatherly. Preston didn't need a father.

His parents had divorced a couple years back. Dad was never around. Preston was sure that Mom only stayed with him for so long because of him, but they were both much better off without him in their lives. As far as Preston was concerned, he didn't need a father; he didn't need one growing up, and he definitely doesn't need one now.

After the divorce, they stayed as long as they could, but when mom got this new job she couldn't pass it up. It paid way better and she wanted to be able to pay for her son's university education. So they packed up and moved for Preston's final year of high school. It was the worst. Not only did he transfer mid semester so catching up was a pain, but he also had to make new friends. High school was hard enough without adding being the weird new kid in the senior class to the list. The only thing that helped was in only a couple of hopefully short months, he would be off to university and away from this crazy mess they call high school.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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