§ Replacement §

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A/N: Scarlett L/N (Female) & Professor Ace (Male) are made by me.
You will be using Scarlett as yourself.

§ November, Thursday Night.

The headmaster of Hogwarts sat leaning back on his chair in his office, occupied with consuming his favorite lemon candies. Soon the door opened and a male professor approached him.

"Hello and good evening, Headmaster." The man greeted the headmaster. "Ah, Good evening! Professor Ace, What do I owe to this visit?" Dumbledore greeted back.

"I have a request. I need to go away to tend to something personal for a while." He informed.
"It's only been 2 months into terms, and how long will you be away?"
"I will leave this Saturday and return in February. Though I assure you I have someone who'll replace me in the meanwhile."

"Oh really? Who is it?" Dumbledore wondered. "Scarlett L/N. If you remember, she's my student who also became my assistant."

Dumbledore's eye lit up as he heard the name, instantly remembering who it was, "Ah, Scarlett. I remember her, one time you were sick and you chose her to take over your role. She nailed it even as a student herself." Smiling as he remembered the moment.

Ace chuckled, "Yes, she's brilliant and good at teaching too. And she already knows about this, and she agreed."

"I see. Well then, I accept your request." The headmaster nodded his head in agreement.

"Thank you, Headmaster." He bowed to him in gratitude, "I'll take my leave now, goodnight."

Dumbledore nodded, "Goodnight to you as well."

After they bid farewell to each other, Ace left the headmaster's office and returned to his private chamber feeling satisfied with The Headmaster for granting his request and grateful to Scarlett for helping him.

§ The following day, Friday.

Professor Ace had finally finished marking paperwork in his classroom, and the students were only having a chat as they were done with their work. The professor stood up and went to the front of the class, "Alright everyone, I hope all of you are done." He paused until he have all attention on him, "And this would be the last from me this year."

The students all together were baffled and started murmuring to each other. "Professor, What do you mean by that?" One asked from the front seat. "About that... now, everyone I have an announcement!" The professor exclaimed, "Today is my last day here for this year, and I will be replaced in the meanwhile until I'm back."

"So, you mean we're getting a new professor? In the middle of the school year?"

"That's correct. Someone I know well that's intelligent in this subject will take over." The students reacted with excitement and curiosity, "Who is it?!" One asked.

"Can't tell much." The students whined and the professor chuckled, "But I promise you she wouldn't be that bad. Maybe as long as you be nice to her."

"She?!" Some of the students exclaimed and the professor scoffed, "What's with the surprise?"
"Is she pretty?" The professor sighed in disbelief, "Now now, I'm not saying much and you should get to know her yourself." The students whined again and the professor had the last laugh.

§ Dinner time at the dining hall.

Ace entered the dining hall and made his way to the professors' table, and greeted his colleagues as he sat down. Before he had even begun eating, Professor McGonagall spoke to him, "Professor Ace, I heard you will be replaced by next week?"

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