§ Happy Birthday, Professor §

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*Platonic! Student reader!


You woke up and you instantly knew what day it was. It is Monday but a great one! January 9, Professor Snape's birthday. Thinking about it ignited a fire to start your day.

As you finished getting ready for the day, you took one last look at the present on your bedside table, a smile automatically turned on your face, looking forward to giving it to your favorite professor.

Arriving at the potions classroom early, you stopped in your tracks at the doorway when you saw Professor Snape grading papers at his desk—not expecting to see him early as he usually only arrive at the exact time the class begins.

"Good morning, Professor." You greeted him as you made your way to your seat.

He looked up from the parchment on his desk to you, slightly furrowing his eyebrows. It's still early and you're the only one who came.

"Morning." He flatly said, returning back to his task.

Not wanting to disturb the peace, you decided to read a book for now.

After several minutes of silence, Professor Snape spoke up,
"You are quite early, Ms. L/N." he stated.

"And so are you, Professor." you replied softly with a smile.

He looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it and resume his task.

After a while, you shut the book deciding you've read enough. You looked up to Professor Snape, he was concentrated on grading papers. Does he ever take a break at all? Even today... You thought.

Suddenly, Professor Snape glanced up at you for some reason, then snapped his head at the doorway when students started filling in. The first few students were loud when they entered, then quickly lowered their voices when they noticed Professor Snape, fearing being scolded or having their house points taken away.

When the class started, there wasn't much to do. Professor Snape assigned a paragraph writing. The entire class, everyone just wrote and wrote while the Professor is still grading papers, seemingly endless.

You finished your own paragraph and set down the quill on the desk. There's still a bit of time until class is dismissed.

You looked at Professor Snape, still grading papers just as he was when you arrived.

You rested your chin on the palm of your hands and occupy yourself with thinking.

Does anyone know about today?  Came your first thought. 

When other Professors had their birthdays, everyone knew. At every dinner, the Headmaster would make sure to announce it, but never Professor Snape's. You even had to go to the Headmaster's Office to ask Professor Dumbledore about it.

At first, he was surprised that a student would ever ask about Professor Snape. Nevertheless, he revealed it to you, smiling while doing so.

Professor Snape slowly looked up from his desk in your direction.

You broke your train of thought when you noticed.

"Class is dismissed. Done or not, pass it now." Professor Snape drawls out.

You sighed and packed your stuff. For a moment you thought he knew what was going on in your mind. You decided to wait until you were the last one to pass, having an idea for your turn but you don't want any of your classmates to see. 

After everyone files out, you go to Professor Snape's desk and passed your parchment. 

"Have a good day, Professor." you quietly say, turning around quickly and making your way out. That was your first step in showing your appreciation toward him.

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