§ Christmas §

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Christmas day is here. In the morning, professors who had stayed for the Holidays would hang in the staff room to celebrate. While your colleagues chat among themselves, you sit alone patiently waiting. 

Actually, you were thinking about Severus.

A week before, you persuaded him to come and join in celebrating Christmas day as you knew he'd rather be alone. You've only known him for two years and even though he hardly opened up, you knew the man he was. The previous two Christmas you came to his place and gave him your gift while in the process he wanted to deny it but eventually accepted it. 

Now, this time you wonder if he will...

Before you could even finish your question, it was answered as the door opened, and came along Albus and Severus at the same time. Everyone was surprised by Severus finally joining, Albus smirked at their reactions, proud of being the first one to know as he caught up with Severus making his way here.

Severus rolled his eyes at this and then quickly found you, and you smiled at him. He makes his way to you with his usual expressionless face and sits beside you.

As soon as everyone settled, they began to do what they always do. They talk among each other as they eat their meal and drink wine. When dining and conversing conclude, everyone gives outs their presents to each other.

"Everyone, please be in the courtyard in ten minutes, and we'll take photography together! " Albus announced.

Severus waited until everyone had left the room. Once he was alone with you, he looked at you with your back turned on him. He was pondering if he should... before he even had the time to think, you turned around and noticed a glimpse of his facial expression changed quickly.

"Severus?" You asked and he responded innocently "Hmm?", But it was obvious to you he had something in his mind just now. "What is it?" You raised one of your brows, "Nothing." he responded still motionless. You both just stared at each other, when it got awkward enough he finally spoke, "Actually..." he trailed off in the first word, suddenly a nervous wreck now. He hated how awkward he was in interacting with you, "Yes?" you patiently waited for him.

"Well, I think we should go—" You were cut off by his quick act of taking out a gift box and he hands it to you, "For you." he shyly said. To your surprise that he actually got you a present, you smiled as you took it. You looked down at the gift box you're holding, it's the size for both of your hands to hold and quite a bit heavy. You started undoing the ribbon and while doing so, Severus is nervous again as he didn't expect you to open it already.

The ribbon undid then you took off the box lid, inside was a fabric wrapping roundly shaped. You put down the gift box on the table and took out the wrapped item in your hands. Finally unveiling the cover revealed a snow globe of Hogwarts, you shook it which made the miniature snow rain down lazily from the top and you watched with full attention.

Severus observed you closely, you were absorbed in watching the snow globe but your face was neutral, which made it hard for Severus to know what you were thinking of, standing patiently he started fidgeting with his hand subconsciously.

You set it down on the table and faced Severus, he attentively watched as you walked toward him. Before he knew it, your arms were wrapped around him. He felt overwhelmed at the feel of your body against him, so close that he could smell your scent. You somehow felt his strong heartbeat through the impossible thick layer of his coat and let go of him.

"I should have just—" You began but he cuts you off again, "No, It's fine." he said as calmly as he could. All you could do was smile in response. You turned around and held up the snow globe again, you were amazed at what he got you—no, at the fact he actually went through the process of getting a gift.

§ Severus Snape | OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now