§ Secret in Forbidden Forest §

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*Platonic! Student reader!

*Word count: 2,466.


The last class finally finished but your happiness didn't last long as you remembered you will have a detention with Professor Snape. Although, detention doesn't bother you or Professor Snape.

"Forbidden...forest?" You asked to confirm if you heard that right.

"The one and only." Snape deadpanned.

Your eyes widen slightly. Not there! There's something...-

Snape raised his brows at you.

"It's nothing, Professor."

He walked into a room while you waited, and after a moment, he came out holding a wicker basket. He hands you the basket you take immediately, and he walks out of the room without a word. You knew you better catch up with him, this man can never take his time for anything.

After minutes of walking outside the castle, you finally see Hagrid's hut from a distance.

"Professor, can I talk to Hagrid quickly?" You asked, looking at Professor Snape who only kept his face forward.

"Make it quick." He stopped in front of the hut.

You wasted no time entering the hut, seeing Hagrid with his back turned by the table. He noticed a sudden sunlight entering from behind, he turned around to see you closing the door.

"Ah, L/N!" Hagrid shouted, startled.

"Sorry for the sudden appearance. I wanted to ask, where is he?" You asked with urgency in your voice.

"O' course, in the forest. Why?"

"I have a detention today with Professor Snape, it won't be good if we encounter him." You explained.

"Oh, tha' ain' good." He shook his head.

"Well, I must go now. I can't keep Professor Snape waiting." You sighed.

Hagrid bids you goodbye, you left the hut closing the door behind you.

As soon as Professor Snape sees you, he turns on his heels and begins walking toward the forest.

Entering the forest, he slowed down a bit to avoid stepping wrongly on the uneven nature ground. You finally caught up with him by his side thanks to that.

Both of you were silent, the only sounds that can be heard were the scrunching of dry leaves and twigs snapping underfoot, the wind blowing through the trees making the leaves rustle, and the rest of the eerie sounds you can't place. Nature truly is refreshing and peaceful, you couldn't help but relax.

"What are we collecting?" You asked, noticing there were 2 pocketknives in the basket.

"We'll arrive at the place where the very thing we need is clearly obvious." He dully stated.

You sighed, feeling unsatisfied with the unspecific answer.

Minutes go by and you notice the surroundings have gotten darker, as it is almost early evening so the sunlight was angled, indicating that you are deep in the forest when you recognized the familiar setting that you see in your routine whenever you visit this far for something. Now you're no longer relaxed again.

"Professor?" You called, a hint of nervousness in your voice that you couldn't hide.

"We'll get there in a minute." He replied, knowing what you would ask.

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