○ Compassion & Companion ○

615 14 4

*Requested by: @lulu_malfoy09

*Word count: 900


"Class dismissed!" You announced to your students and they immediately packed up and filed out of the room, some saying "Goodbye and have a great day!" to you on their way out.

You organized the classroom with the magic of your wand before walking out of the room and venturing through the corridors.

On your way, you passed by some students who all greeted you with a wave and a warm smile — a stark contrast to your husband, Severus Snape, they were always uneasy and afraid to make any gesture to him.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Severus is soft and compassionate when alone with you. You smiled at the thought of how only you had access to his hidden side. If only a student could read your mind, it would no longer be a secret.

Severus preferred to keep the relationship a secret to keep his dour status and also deemed it inconsequential to be acknowledged in Hogwarts. Except for the Headmaster Dumbledore, naturally. And conveniently, Professor McGonagall knew as well which was unsurprising.

That was until you and Severus found out you both were gonna have a child, and there was no choice but to let it be known, considering you both were dedicated to the professorship in Hogwarts and it was practically home.

When everyone learned that you were married to him, they were bewildered at the unexpected revelation, not able to believe it completely, let alone having a child together. Despite the bizarre news, everyone was supportive towards both of you. As much as dismissive and awkward Severus was, you knew deep down he felt proud though he would never admit it.

Finally arriving at your private chamber, you walked in to see the house-elf you assigned to keep your four-year-old daughter company, playing around and conjuring magical particles.

"Sweetheart, it's time to head to the Great Hall." Your voice took her attention and she immediately ran to you with excitement.

She turned to the elf and waved her hand to them, "Bye-bye, Tooby!" The elf smiled and nodded in response before apparating away.

Hand in hand, you walked through the corridor listening to your daughter's zestful rambling. Until the Great Hall's large open door finally came to view, she let go of your hand and ran ahead of you.

In the meanwhile, Severus sat at the Professors table in the Great Hall, his eyes glued to the entrance, anticipating his wife and daughter to come in at any moment. As he finally saw his child running in, a smile immediately crept into his face.

He lost his smile instantly the moment she tripped to the ground halfway, causing the nearby students to turn their heads towards her. He immediately stood up as his protective instinct came in and practically run down to her, leaving other professors to watch his action with amusement and awe.

Severus helped her to stand up and brushed off the dust from her knees. "Are you alright, my little darling?" He gently asked.

She looked up to meet his gaze and nodded eagerly, "Papa!" she exclaimed as she clung to his robe.

He softly patted her head as he smiled warmly, forgetting about the audience watching the both of them.

As you walked into the hall, you saw everyone murmuring to each other with mirth as they watched your husband and child in the centre of attention. As you drew closer to them, he turned his head as he sensed your incoming presence.

"Seems you have quite the attention, love." You remarked, causing him to huff and a faint blush rising to his face with self-consciousness and pride.


One day, Snape was teaching potion class when the door in the classroom pushed open, revealing his daughter and the babysitter elf.

"Papa!" She shouted with excitement as she ran towards him, the elf following behind. "She insisted on visiting your class, Master Snape."

Severus sighed in resignation and dismissed the elf. He lifted her up and sat her on his chair behind his desk, "Stay seated here darling, I must teach my class."

As he turned back to the class, some of the students were snickering about what they saw. "Silence and pay attention only to me," he commanded and immediately they obeyed.

A few moments later, while Snape wrote on the board, he felt a tug on his robe and looked down to see his daughter next to him. He knelt down to hear her out, "Papa, I want to teach!"

His face flickered with uncertainty, but as she kept on insisting he sighed and gave in. "Only today, you may."

She squealed with delight at his approval and took the chalk he handed over, walked to the empty part of the board and drew a goofy figure. Turning around to the class, "This is a unicorn! I want you to draw your own unicorn!" she exclaimed.

The students began to laugh and commented among themselves. Then Snape took a step forward, "As you heard, get to work." he ordered sternly.

The students took out their parchments and quills, though they couldn't make themselves to quit their amusement, their smiles lingered on.

Despite the interruption and unexpected changes in direction, Severus felt proud of his child and would do anything even if it costs his status. He made a vow to himself that no matter what, he will keep his beloved family happy.


Published, June 1st, 2023.

*Requested on May 25, 2023.

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