§ Birthday §

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It's finally here, your birthday.

You have been teaching at Hogwarts for a few years now.

Each of your birthdays just gradually gets better.

The first was simply greetings and some gifts, then the next one your students surprised you at your classroom as soon as you entered, and another time, the professors threw a party just for you.

You didn't care much about celebrating your birthday, but everyone seemed to do so. It can't be helped, you brought sunshine upon everyone every day and they all loved you for it. So loved, you thought of everyone as your family and Hogwarts as your forever home. You thought maybe you'll be here forever.

You decided to have your breakfast in your own chambers and then went early to your classroom, moments later students crowded in.

Strange, everyone was casual as if it was a typical day. No way they've forgotten about your birthday. But anyway, you shrugged it off and went on about the class.

The students rushed out of your classroom as soon as the class ended. Before you had the time to walk out, someone still in the room had 'accidentally' hit a table and all paperwork and accessories fell to the ground. The student apologized profusely and you started helping clean up the mess. Not knowing gestures were being made between the student and another from outside.

You are now on your way to walk to the dining hall for lunch, along with your student who made a mess earlier. As you were about to turn, someone bumped into you. Again!

And conveniently they had items too, so messes were made from the collision. Soon the mess was cleaned up and you continued your plan.

You finally reached the dining hall, but the door was unusually closed.

You opened the door.



Fireworks exploded in the air, confetti flew, colorful sparkles clouded your visions, and everyone was jumping on their feet, shouting and grinning joyfully. The professors were smiling from afar... even Severus?

You continued walking up your way to the table whilst everyone was still cheering you on. You could not help but smile broadly, eyeing everyone to let them know you notice them.

You sat down, the professors greeted you, and you ate.


Severus from another side would randomly look at you every now and then.

"Severus," McGonagall called him. He looked at her, "Don't forget to do it, Severus." She encouraged him. "Will it... even work?" He asked nervously, "It will. Trust me, It's now or never."

When lunch finished, everyone went on their schedule of the day as there were still classes.

Severus watched you leave the dining hall.

"Severus!" He looked over to McGonagall, he sighed, "I know. I will." He left before she could say more.

You went to your class and your lovely students still reminded you of your birthday. You decided that you'd let them watch a film today.

Time passed by. You're back in the dining hall again for dinner.

This time you sat beside Severus.

"Hello, Severus." As soon as you mentioned his name, his heart beat faster for no reason.

"Good evening, Y/N." He replied. You both ate together whilst you would talk every now and then, he'd only listen and reply if necessary.

Dinner had ended, and you started walking to the exit.

Severus caught up with you, "Y/N." He called out. You turned around and looked at the dark man, "What is it, Severus?" you smiled at him. He nearly smiled in front of you because your beautiful smile was for him and his name rolling out of your tongue.

"Could you... meet me at the Astronomy Tower?" He watched you carefully. You did not even need to think why "Sure." He once again nearly smiled, but also nervous.

You went to the Astronomy Tower at the exact time Severus expected you.

He was waiting by the railing for you, already facing your direction with his hand at his back.

You approached him and he eyed you carefully.

"I'm here." You smiled at him

He took a breath, "Happy Birthday, Y/N." he took out a jar that was bright from the inside, and you took it in your hands. You rose the jar close to your face to watch carefully what was happening inside. A miniature moon floating around alongside small yet recognizable stars.

"So pretty. This is amazing!" You beamed at him and made his heart flutter.

"Y/N." You looked at him, "Yes?" he looked unsure of what to say.

"I have one more to give to you, it's your choice if you want to accept it... or not." He managed.

"What is it?" You looked at him carefully.

"I give my heart to you." Your eyes widen, "Oh?" That was all you could say, you weren't expecting this at all. You never knew if he had feelings for you. "Y/N?" He nervously said. His heart beat faster and his mind was racing and time slowed down for him. He finally confessed at last. McGonagall somehow knew that he had feelings for you, and had been encouraging him to tell you on your birthday, it seemed weird but he decided so anyway.

"I would love to take it, Severus." You finally talked in what felt forever.

He gave you his biggest smile.

And you had the best birthday gift ever that would last forever.


Published, October 21, 2022.

It's actually my birthday! Wrote this just for me ^-^ Hope you enjoyed it.

I could have written more, but I finished this at the last minute LOL.

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