§ A Renewed Purpose §

258 7 3

*Platonic! Student reader!

*Words: 1,305


Your vision flickered open away the void of the dreamless slumber into the awakening reality. You remained unmoved in your bed, staring ahead to the ceiling through the rays of morning sunlight filtering through the window.

Another bland day to go through.

With a heavy sigh, you got up and prepared for depart. After finishing, you stood in front of the mirror—staring back at your weary, yet apathetic eyes.

Thinking about the day ahead felt like a draining task to go through. You rather not have anything to do and stay in your room the whole day and find a bare minimum occupation you could manage.

You reached the Great Hall; the loud chattering filling your ears as you walked to find your seat. You however haven't one to talk to, even though you are surrounded by peers you knew... by names solely to be precise.

Mechanically, you ate meal as your sight gazed around the large room, until it reached the professor's table, watching them chat amongst each other. Until you sensed a certain professor's eyes your way—but before you could meet it, you felt a hit to your left on your upper arm and recoiled slightly.

"Sorry," the student apologized so briefly, you glanced at them already turned away. Gently, you grazed your upper arm on the fabric. Afterwards, you finished the remains of your meal and ventured off to your forthcoming class.

Arriving at the Potions classroom, the door was locked shut and devoid of sounds within. Cold ambience began to seep through your fabrics into the skin, causing slight goosebumps as you leaned against the castle's wall waiting.

Your advanced appearance to class was a mystery. You always hated waiting; you were rather belated each time, gaining disapproving looks from your professors and peers.

You pushed yourself off the wall, followed by a deep exhale—

"Ms. L/N," A deep voice broke through the cold silence, halting you.

Your head immediately turned to the source of voice. The dark figure of Potion Master, Professor Snape towered over you with a face of indifference. "About time you are not late to my class, however early." he remarked before turning to open the door and walking in without a spare of a glance.

Promptly, you walked through the door and found your seat at the back. Glancing at the front desk, your eyes met with the stoic Professor's briefly before he diverted his attention to his paperwork, a slight tug at his brows as he immersed in his task.

You don't know how long you had been watching him, which you are sure the professor is aware but rather not acknowledge it. Until students began to file into the room, you naturally turned your attention into a distance as you rested your chin in your palms.

You closed your eyes, losing yourself in your world of daydream.

. . .

"Ms. L/N," 

Your head snapped up with a slightly parted lips, Snape's imposing figure looking down on you. "You can leave... since long ago." he drawled.

"Why?" The word left your lips unknowingly, surprising even yourself.

The stern features of his turned into confusion, "Pardon?"

You shook your head dismissively and gathered your belongings, leaving the Professor more perplexed.

As you closed the door behind you, a relieved sigh escaped your lips. Why did you say that? Before you could indulge in your brewing thoughts, you heard sounds within the door which prompted you to walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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