§ Witness §

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Severus sighs frustratedly as he reads a student's paperwork, so far he's seen too many wrongs than rights from every paper he had marked which spoils his mood further as he grades the paper. Moments later, a loud crash sound was made and he instantly diverted his attention to it, the students watched the scene as Neville Longbottom panicked at the mess he caused, Severus rolled his eyes at this as his mood gets even worse. He made his way to the scene and the other students backed away as they feared the incoming wrath from their Potions Master, "I'm sorry, Professor Snape!" Longbottom desperately apologized, Snape only stared at him for what felt forever for the student in trouble, "Well?" The professor finally spoke, "I'm sorry—" Snape quickly cuts him off, "I heard you the first time." Longbottom was left speechless, Snape grunted as he took out his wand and cast a spell to undo the mess then quickly returned to his desk and resume his task.

The students were baffled at how calm their Potions Master was as they expected far worse, he usually would take points away and scold the troublemaker, and even those who weren't involved would feel horrible. "Bloody hell! I'm not the only one who saw that, right?" Ron said to his friend, "Yeah, that was totally weird." Harry agreed, they looked over to Neville and he was flabbergasted as they were, even Hermoine was speechless.

Severus mentally praised himself for what he had just done. He thought back to what his wife said to him, He should be more patient and keep his temper with the students, otherwise his access to her downgrades. But it was all for a good cause, not only it would be better for the students to feel less pressured, but he would also be less stressed from dealing with the 'dunderheads'. As much as he didn't like the idea of losing his reputation of being the most intimidating, he realized his wife made a good point, so he had no choice but to take it seriously.


Professor L/N looked at the time on the clock and there was only a minute left until the last class of the day ends. The whole day of teaching is finally about to end soon and she couldn't be anymore happier but then she still has more work to do. Except she wouldn't be working on her own, Severus would come over to her office after the last class finishes so they both could work together. It benefits them both well, it makes marking assignments less stressful and they both could finally do and say what they couldn't when there are people around especially the students as no one knows their relationship except for the professors.

"Please pass your work before you leave." Professor L/N announced.

Most of the students hurried to pass their work feeling excited as they looked forward to doing anything other than classes, Harry sped up a bit as he was about to finish his work, "Gosh, you're slow Harry!" Ron said as he stood up and make his way to pass his work then Draco lined up behind him for his turn. Harry paused his task and watched Draco as he always does if he ever sees him being nearby his friends, Ron put his work on the professor's desk and started heading out, "I'll see you out there" he said before leaving. Harry continued to watch Draco put his work down on the desk but he doesn't leave after, he takes out a paper and quickly attached it to the bottom of the desk before turning to walk away and smirking at Harry as he sees him still watching him, though neither spoke. Harry decided that his work is enough, he grabbed everything and went to the professor's desk, he set down his work on the desk and lowered himself as he try to look at the bottom of the desk, "Potter, What is it?" Professor L/N asked confused, "Oh, nothing professor." he said as he quickly stood up straight and walked out of the room.


Harry walked down the stairway into the Gryffindor Common Room while holding the invisibility cloak, "What are you going to do?" Ron asked him, Harry sighed and stopped, "I'm gonna get something from Professor L/N's classroom" he answered him, "What is it? " Ron asked as he squinted his eyes at him and then recognized what he was holding, "And why do you have that?" he pointed out, "I might have to use it. I'll be back quick." he quickly said and left before Ron could say more, or even worse if Hermione sees him plotting something on his own.

§ Severus Snape | OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now