§ A magical day §

415 13 0

*Word count: 1,221


You walked to the front door with your husband following behind, you opened the door then turned around to him. 

"You sure you'll be alright?" You asked with a hint of uncertainty, your hand holding onto the doorknob.

Severus nodded, "I've faced worse, I'm sure this won't compare at all." He stated confidently.

"Don't resort to using potions, snacks and appealing display of magics will..." you trailed off as Severus's face fell into a scowl.

"I may as well do the opposite if I'm that incapable," he grumbled as he crossed his arms on his chest.

You moved closer to him, placing a hand on his arms. "I was teasing, Severus. Otherwise, I'd have to take Lucien with me." You smiled with mischief in your eyes.

Severus rolled his eyes. "You know better," he muttered, his eyes filled with warmth and affection.

He reached out to touch your cheek and leaned closer, but his attempt to close the distance was halted by your finger against his lips. "Mhm, you will have to earn it."

He reluctantly pulled back, letting out a disappointed sigh.

You pressed your body against his, tilting your head upward to reach his ears. "I promise you'll get a reward," you whispered with a hint of seduction.

A shiver of anticipation ran down his spine, he met your eyes with newfound confidence. "Well, better get going so I can start," he responded, his voice low and husky.

You gave him a peck on his cheek and gave a parting smile as you turned away and walked out of the house. Severus watched you walk away until you were out of sight before closing the door.

With a sigh, he turned around and made his way to Lucien's room. As he reached the room, his eyes immediately landed on the toddler sitting on the soft carpet rugs, engrossed in playing with his toys. "Lucien," Severus called as he walked over to the child, drawing his attention to him. 

"Papa!" Lucien reached his hands up towards him, Severus bent over to pick him up. "It's just you and me today," he muttered. He pulled out his wand from his pocket and levitated a dragon plush, Lucien's favorite toy and a box containing building blocks. 

Severus left the room with the toys following in the air behind, Lucien babbled in delight as he watched the toys float behind them. Severus gently put Lucien down on the carpet floor of the living room, the toys descending beside him.

"Now, keep yourself entertained as you please." He said before walking to his couch to sit down. His gaze lingered on his son who busied himself with stacking blocks. He had never been alone with his young son for an entire day before, he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. You had always been the one to do most of the parenting but today it was his time to step up and he was determined to do his best.

He glanced at the clock to note the time before picking up a book from the table. He occasionally glanced at Lucien whilst reading to make sure he didn't wander off or hurt himself. 

Moments later, as he was immersed in the book, he suddenly felt a tiny hand on his knees, he immediately lowered his book to look at Lucien, his bright eyes filled with curiosity. "Papa, up!" he raised his arms, indicating to be picked up.

Severus immediately obliged, picking him up and set him down on his lap. "What Dada can do for you?" he inquired with a gentle smile.

"Book!" Lucien pointed at the bookshelf. Severus nodded and reached out his hand to summon a colourful picture book. He began to read the book out loud to his son, who occasionally babbled and giggled.

As he turned page, suddenly Lucien slammed his palm onto the picture. "Dwagon!" He exclaimed in excitement, recognizing the creature much like his favourite toy. 

Severus smiled; his heart warmed by his son's delight. "Yes, your favourite ferocious creature." 

He continued to read on, and short moments later, suddenly he heard a small soft sound, so subtle he couldn't tell where it came from as he glanced around for it. He shrugged it off and carried on until he heard it again, this time he lowered the book down slightly and glanced around.

"You heard that, Lucien?" He asked. Lucien looked up at his father at the mention of his name but he couldn't yet understand much and so he responded with incoherent babbling.

Severus sighed, realizing that it would be a challenge to talk to the toddler. He continued reading once more without raising the book back up. 

This time, while his eyes were glued to the book beneath him, he noticed a subtle movement beyond the object he was focused on. He furrowed his brows in confusion, his eyes set on the dragon plush on the floor which he sworn to have been the one that moved.

Earlier while he was reading, Lucien had been occasionally pointing at something on the floor which he disregarded at the time.

"Fy-ah!" Lucien exclaimed, pointing his tiny fingers out once more. As Severus realized what he was pointing at, suddenly the dragon plush lifted off the ground, slowly ascending. Before he could say a word, Lucien clapped his hands in delight then the toy lunged toward the tower of building blocks, causing it to get knocked over another tower.

Severus was speechless for a moment, he glanced between the toys and at his son. It was as if the child had been the one who performed it, much to his belief it seemed that way. "Lucien, did you do that?" He asked in astonishment.

"Dwagon fly!" Lucien giggled, unaware of the significant of his actions.

Severus smiled warmly at his innocence. "Mama will be happy to hear about this," he mused as he ruffled his son's hair affectionately. While he was proud at his son's newfound magical ability, there was an undeniable hint of concern.

As the day goes on, Lucien small magical display became more frequent, Severus kept a vigilant watch with the toddler's antics, intervening when necessary to ensure his safety.

Hours passed and the sun has set, you finally reached home. Your tired face immediately transformed into surprise as you saw your husband and son sitting in the living room surrounded by display of magics that all didn't seem to be done by Severus.

Severus stood up, brushing off his robes. "I didn't expect our young wizard to be this handful either," he remarked with a proud smile.

"Mama! Look!" Lucien exclaimed as he turned around to you. 

You walked to him and scooped him up into your arms, your eyes shimmering with amazement and pride. You looked at Severus with wonder, "he's too young to do magic, don't you think?"

Severus nodded, "believe me, it awakened on its own. It seems that he took after you." he said, his voice filled with pride.

Lucien stretched his arms out as he yawned, exhaustion finally seeping in. "Rest, my clever boy." You whispered then planted a kiss on his forehead.

You looked back at Severus once more, "I promised you a reward, didn't I?" You smiled mischievously.

Severus smirked, "I should do this more often."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Published, September 11, 2023

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