Chapter 14

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(Dipper pov)

I sit at a table by myself, holding a bottle of rum in my hands as the other crew mates dance and party around me, the joyous music reflecting the mood of everyone else. I take a sip of the rum, watching the party go on. I see from the corner of my eye that Mabel sits down next to me.

".....Since when do you drink?"

I just shrug. "It helps with things sometimes. I don't do it all the time if that's what you're worried about."

"I'm just suprised that you drink at all."

"I've changed, Mabel, I'm not the shy kid I was when we were back home."

"I know, I can see that but I'm not sure if the person you are now is who you should be."

"Mabel, I really don't want to get into this right now."

"......Are we still good?"

"Yeah.....we're still good."

I look up hearing someone clear their throat and see Bill standing there but without his hat or coat, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his hand extended to me.

"May I have this dance, my darling Pinetree?"

I smile up at him, setting the bottle down as I take his hand and he pulls me up to my feet. "Of course, my captain."

He leads me into the middle of the other dancers, twirling me around before wrapping his arms around my waist holding me close. I wrap my arms around his neck as I follow his lead.

"Is your dead sister adjusting well to being here?"

"Yeah....yeah I think so."

He tilts his head slightly as he looks at me. "Is everything alright, Pinetree?"

"It's.....we'll talk more about it later. This is a party after all, we should enjoy it without me being a downer on it."

He hums in thought before resting his forehead on mine. "Anything for you. Your happiness is all that matters to me after all." He stops dancing, standing on a table and whistles loudly getting everyone's attention, the music and dancing stopping all at once. "Now, even though he's been here for a few weeks now, we never gave Pinetree a proper introduction to the the crew. So how about we welcome him to the crew properly?"

Everyone else cheers loudly as I just look up at Bill confused. He jumps off the table and has me sit in a chair, pushing it in close to the table before he sits in a chair across from me.

"Bill, what is going on?"

"It is tradition that any new member of my crew must participate in a drinking contest with me. You don't have to win, you just have to participate. But I must warn you, I am undefeated."

"Well, I'm not scared of a little challenge."

Mugs of rum are set down in front of us both. "Rules are simple: Whoever drinks the most, wins. You must drink all of the cup's contents or it doesn't count. The first person to have their head hit the table is declared the loser since they will be at a point where it is unsafe for them to continue drinking. Are you ready?" I give a small nod. "Then let's begin."

I try to not focus on him or the other crewmates yelling and betting as I grab the mug in front of me, downing the rum as fast as I can before moving onto the next one. I lose count of how many cups I go through but it gets to a point where I have a hard time holding my head up. I reach for another mug, my hand just knocking it off the table as darkness invades my vision and I find my cheek pressed against the table, not having the energy to lift up my head again.

I barely hear the cheering around me as Bill kneels down into my line of vision, a playful smirk on his face. "Looks like we've found your drinking limit, Pinetree."

He picks me up bridal style carrying me out as the party continues around us. I rest my head on his chest as he carries me back to his room and lays me on the bed before he straddles my waist, gently brushing my bangs out of my face. I smile up at him, holding his hand in mine.

"You still have enough energy left for this, Pinetree?"

"Just enough."

His hands unbutton his shirt tossing it away, his mouth gently meeting mine as he discards his shirt onto the ground. I feel his hands strip my clothes off of me and looking up at him I see he's already taken care of his remaining clothes.

His mouth moves down my neck as I feel him insert himself into me, not bothering to stop the moans that escape me as I feel him thrusts into me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, leaning my head back against the pillow and giving him more of my neck that I feel his mouth cover in hickies.

I lose track of how long it goes until I feel us both release. As he pulls out, I can't stop my brain from thinking of what Mable told me before the party and of the same nightmare that I've been having since I was just a kid. I look away from Bill, feeling him rub my bare shoulder as the tears sting my eyes.

"Dipper, what's wrong?" He gently makes me look at him and I see the concerned look on his face.

".....Did you kill my parents?"

"What? You told me that your parents died in an accident."

"I thought they did, that's what I was always told. But Mable says that Stan told her that you and Tad killed our parents. Is that true?"

"I....I don't know......You said you were 12 when they died, so if....if we were involved in their deaths, it was years ago."

"She said you swore revenge on my family.....did you kill them as part of that revenge?"

"What? No no no." He sits next to me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to his chest as the tears slide down my cheeks. "Dipper, while I made that vow for revenge in anger, I never acted out on it. I never intentionally made any effort to hurt your family aside from Sixer. If I was involved in how your parents died, it wasn't for revenge. I promise."

"Then just what happened? Why can't I remember?" My hands grip my hair, frustrated that I can't remember what happened that day. He gently pushes my hands down, quietly shushing me.

"You were just a kid, you witnessed something extremely traumatic. It's no wonder that your brain blocked it out.....if you would like, I can look through your dreams and memories tonight and try to see what happened. Would you want me to do that?"

I give a weak nod, feeling him run his hand through my hair. He gently taps my forehead and exhaustion overtakes me as I fall into a deep sleep.

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