Chapter 15

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(Bill pov)

I run my hand through Dipper's hair before pulling the blanket over him. I kiss his cheek softly before I get out of bed and pull my clothes on before I walk out of the room.

I go back to the party, finding Tad with a drink in hand. I grab his arm pulling him out of the room and into the hall, making him drop the bottle of rum.

"Hey! What the hell man?"

"We need to talk. Right now."

"It had better be important."

"Trust me, it is."

"Fine. Let's talk then."

"My office. Now." I lead him up to my office, shutting the door behind him once he's in so we won't be disturbed.

"Do you mind telling me what all of this is about now?"

"November 15th, 2015. What happened?"

"I have no clue what on earth you are talking about. You need to be a lot more specific than giving me a random date from over 7 years ago."

"You know this date, Tad, you have to. Just think. Seaport island. There was practically a massacre there."

"Seaport island......oh....Oh! That.......fuck that was a mess. But that was so long ago. Why do you suddenly care about what happened? You were there."

"I was only there at the end of it. I need to know what happened. How it started and what your part in it was."

"Why? Why do you care about this now?"

"Dipper and Mabel's parents died that day. They were there."

"What? No, no fucking way."

"They were. And she was told that you killed their parents as part of my vow for revenge."

"I didn't! That was your fucking thing, not mine!"

"I know, and you know that I never made any moves to destroy that family like I said I would. As of now, that family thinks that we tried to destroy them starting with those parents. That is destroying Pinetree. They need to know the truth. Did you kill their parents?"

"I don't know."

"You have to."

"I don't."

"Tad, tell me now!"

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"Because I can't fucking remember!"

"Why not?"

"It was a long time ago and it was soon afterwards that I......that I ran into him again. I just....I blocked out that whole day. It was too painful to think about."

"I understand that it is painful, but I desparately need you to remember."

"I know but I just can't."

"Then let me help." I roll up my sleeves and hold my hand out to him. He sighs softly, scratching at his arm nervously.

".....I said I would never do this again. You know it's dangerous."

"It's the only way."

He reaches out, grabbing my wrist as I grab his. We close our eyes as the energy flows through us and we enter into his deepest, hardest to reach memories.


Opening our eyes, I vaguely recognize the town. I look towards the commotion, those vampire creatures fighting with members of my crew. Swords against teeth and claws. The bodies of innocent people not part of the fight litter the street.

I see Tad with his flintlock out, but gets in a struggle with one of the creatures, the gun going off.

"Mom!" Looking to my far right, I see a young boy try to run to his mom, his dad holding him back. It doesn't take a genius to know that it's Pinetree from when he was just a child.

I see him and his sister run off but I lose them in the crowd before another one of the creatures jump onto their father and rips his throat out. I look at Tad as he cuts the head off of one, his eyes landing on a nearby stall. He walks around the stall, sword raised but lowers it once he sees whatever is behind there.


I see myself from that day run up to him, a cut on my cheek and blood running down my face. "Tad, we need to go now!" 'I' see whatever Tad sees and 'my' eyes widen at whatever I see. "Oh shit."

I walk around the stall and see why Tad and I had both reacted that way. Behind the stall, huddled together trembling in fear are both of the twins, tears streaming down both of their cheeks.

"Holy shit...."

"Tad, we have to go right now."

"They're just kids....."


"Holy fucking shit....."


"They're kids, Bill."

"We don't have time to worry about them."

"But we can't just leave them!"

"If we don't leave right now then we are going to die."


"Two human kids are not my fucking problem. If we don't leave now then we are dead and so is our whole crew. Unless you want to join our family in the after life, then we really need to go right now."


He pulls his hand away from mine, forcefully ripping us both out of the memory and sending us both to the floor groaning in pain. I sit up clutching my head with one hand, seeing him sit with his back against the door, his head resting on the door and a pained expression on his face.

"What the fuck, Tad. You know that you can't just fucking do that. It is dangerous to just-"

"Shut up just shut up, Bill!"

I get up and sit down next to him, a beat of silence passing between us.

" wasn't your fault."

"My gun shot killed their mother."

"Only because of those creatures that were trying to kill us. What happened was just a horrible accident."

"That isn't going to bring their parents back. We know more than anyone how horrible it feels to have a family killed in front of you and not able to do anything about it. Especially if those are the last memories they have of either of their parents."

"I know.....but we know for sure what happened now. We need to tell them the truth."

"When they are ready to hear it, then I will."

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