Chapter 21

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(Bill pov)

I push myself through the water, frantically swimming after him as he sinks to the bottom.

I finally get to him, grabbing the chains of the chest and pulling on them. Looking at him I can tell by his movements slowing that he's losing air. I can't and will not let him die like this.

Holding his face in my hands I put my lips to his forcing all of my air into his lungs. He has to live.

Going back to the chains, I grab them in my hands and concentrating as hard as I can I watch my blue flames spark to life again. It takes all the power I have left in me to use my flames to melt the chains but finally it works.

I grab onto him tightly, feeling him wrap his arms around my neck as I kick off from the ground, frantically swimming to the surface.

Our heads finally break the surface as I gasp for air, feeling Pinetree's head limp on my shoulder. Looking around I see the only ship still standing is Ford's ship. Mine is already halfway underwater by now.

I look at Pinetree noticing that he isn't breathing. No no not again not again.

Mabel notices me from the deck. "I found him!" She calls back to someone before throwing me a rope. I grab onto it as she pulls us up.

I gently lay Pinetree on the floor. I put my head to his chest but don't hear anything.

"You are not giving up on me, Pinetree."

Opening his mouth slightly and plugging his nose I put my mouth on his forcing more air into his lungs. I put my hand on his chest, not having much power left but having enough for this. I send all I have left to his heart, determined to make it beat again. He has the air, just fucking beat. Do not rob me of my family and love in one day.

His boldy jolts before he starts coughing. I help turn him on his side as he pukes up the water coughing more. I put a hand on his shouler but he cowers away from me.

"D-Don't please-"

"Pinetree, it's me. It's just me."


"I'm right here." I pull him into a hug, craddling him as he trembles in my arms. I plant a small kiss on his temple as I hold him, determined not to let him go again. "Let's get this blindfold off of you now." I pull it off but my eyes widen in horror. Both of his eyes are gone. It's just empty sockets in their place.

"Bill?" His voice brings me back. I can't think of what he's gone through. I just need to be here for him.

"Yes, Pinetree?"

"Where are we?"

"We're on your great uncles' ship."

"They're here?"

"Yes, so is your sister. They're all here and they're all okay." Looking over I see Ford come over. "Ford is right here. He's going to take care of your injuries for you, okay?"

"Okay...." He weakly nods. I let Ford help him up and lead him away. Mabel offers me a hand. I take it as she pulls me up to my feet.

"Tad. Is he...."

"Come see."

She leads me to a room that I assume is hers. On the bed lays Tad, his shirt gone and bandages wrapped tightly around his torso. I run over to him taking his hand tightly. His eyes open slightly.

"Hey Bill."

"Do not ever fucking scare me like that again, you asshole. You hear me."

"Not like it was all fun and games for me either."

"If you die, I will drag you out from hell and kill you myself. Do you understand? You are not allowed to die and that is a fucking order."

"So you do care after all."

"Of course I care you dumbass."

"No dying. You got it Captain." His eyes close again as his chest rises and falls in steady breathes.

"I think he's going to be okay." Mabel speaks up. "I cleaned it as best as I could so hopefully there won't be any infection."

"Thank you for everything you have done for him Mabel."

"Don't mention it. Ford is probably in his office with Dipper and Stan if you would like to see him. I'll stay and keep an eye on Tad."

I walk out of there and to Ford's office, pushing open the door. Dipper sits backwards in a chair, his shirt gone as Ford stitches up some cuts on his back. A new bandage is wrapped around Dipper's eye sockets. I can tell that the stitching process hurts him. I go over taking his hand.

"How you holding up, Pinetree?"

"It hurts....a lot."

"You're doing great."

"What happened to your ship?"

"It's long gone by now."

"You loved that ship."

"Your life means more to me than a ship. I can always just get another ship but there will only ever be one of you."

"What happened to your crew? Are they-"

"Some we couldn't save but most of my crew is here on this ship and mostly in one piece. More or less."

"So, what happens now?"

"Well you are going to need time to rest up and I will have to find a new ship."

"You aren't going to leave me, are you?"

Honestly, I never even thought of what would happen after finding Dipper. I didn't know what condition he would be in, and I honestly thought I would die trying to save him. All I know is that being a pirate is too risky for him. Especially now.

"Pinetree, you got hurt because of me. A pirate life is dangerous, we both know it is but-"

"No. Just take whatever words you're going to say and eat them. I don't care how dangerous it is. We're both still alive. Wherever you go, I'm going. That's the end of it."

"Okay. Your word is law."

He turns to face the direction Ford is in. "Can he and Tad stay with us? Until I'm healed up at least?"


"Please Ford?"

Ford sighs looking over at me before looking at Dipper again. "Sure thing."

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