Chapter 17

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(Bill pov)

I reach for Pinetree, my hands just meeting the cold glass of the mirror as that bastard stares back at me with that fucking smirk on his face. I feel fear and rage course through me, not having felt anything like this since I was a small child. When he took everything from me and Tad, destroying our lives forever.

"Well well, isn't this interesting."

I angrily slam my palm on the mirror. "Let him go!"

"Now now, I don't think I like your attitude at all."

"You're going to kill him!" I hit my palms against the mirror again, feeling helpless as I watch Pinetree weakly struggle, knowing that there isn't anything I can possibly do to help him.

"No, I'm not. Not yet at least, there isn't anything fun by breaking my play toy so quickly. If you want him back, then just wait for me. I'll be coming for you and I will be there by high noon tomorrow. I'll see you then."

His image fades until I'm left just staring at my reflection. I grit my teeth angrily as I punch the mirror, the glass shattering. I barely feel the pain as I wave my hand, yelling as all the furniture in the room gets flipped over and shoved against the far walls of the room. I rip the eye patch off my face and throw it across the room angrily, my whole body fuming in anger. I hear the door behind me slam open.

"Bill, what the fuck happened in here?"

"......Dipper was taken."

"What? How? By who?"

"By him."

"......he....he found us again....."

"He is coming and will be here tomorrow."

"We have to get the hell out of here before he gets here."

"No. We are heading straight for him." I walk out of the room, Tad right on my heels as I head up to the main deck.

"Are you fucking crazy? We barely survived that crazy bastard last time!"

"He will kill Dipper if I don't do something."

"If we go he'll just kill us all. All the years of hiding and running will be for nothing. You want to repeat what happened to the rest of our family?"

"That's why I have to go!" I turn to him angrily. "I couldn't do anything when he destroyed our lives that day, and then last time I was too much of a chicken shit to face him! I just took you and ran! I am done running and hiding only for him to keep on fucking finding us! I am ending this once and for all!"

I turn only to see Mabel standing there, staring at me wide eyed. It takes me a minute to remember that I'm not wearing my eye patch at the moment. Sighing I grab her arm and take her into my office, Tad right behind us.

Once in the office, I let go of her and sit in my chair, taking out my bottle of rum.

"Go on. Get it out already."

"What the fuck is wrong with your eye?"

"Tad, take off your eye patch." I see him hesitate before he takes his off as well. "He and I are both half demons so we have one eye that looks like that. Your brother of course already knew this and wanted you to know as well."

"Where is my brother?"

"......someone took him. Someone that is going to be very difficult to deal with."

"Who? How?"

"He's a powerful full blooded demon who wants us dead. His powers allow him to do things we can't. His favorite trick is traveling through mirrors. Your brother was pulled through mine before I could stop him."

"We have to get him back!"

"We will, trust me we will. He is coming for us, so we're going to head to him first." I take a swig of the rum before Tad finally speaks up.

"Do you both hear yourselves? How exactly are we supposed to get Dipper back from him when we get to him?"

"We figure it out when the time comes."

"That isn't even a plan, it is just wishful thinking. We need an actual fucking plan."

"What if we asked my great uncles for help?" We both look at Mabel.

"They wouldn't help."

"They would if it's to help my brother."

"It would mean having to work with me. You really think they'll want to do that?"

"It's worth a shot, isn't it?"

I go silent as I think over all the options. Either way it's going to be extremely risky trying to get him back. But I don't have many options avaliable to me. I sigh before taking another swig of the rum before setting the bottle down and stand up.

"Fine. Let's go ask them."

"Bill, you can't be fucking serious right now. They will kill you, or at least try to."

"I don't have any other choice, Tad. I have to try something if I want to save him. Should be easy to get me and Mabel there anyway, they're probably still following us trying to get them back."

I stand up holding my hand out for Mabel. She looks up at hesitantly. "Is this going to hurt?"

"It might make you a bit dizzy at first but no, it's completely painless."

She grabs onto my hand and with a snap of my fingers, blue flames surround us transporting us from my office to the main deck of Ford's ship.

As the flames diminish, I hold onto her shoulders to keep her steady, seeing everyone around us look at us in total shock and horror upon seeing my eye.

"Mabel!" Both the older Pines run over, Ford with his sword drawn and pointed right at my face. Mabel breaks away from me and runs over to Stan, them both embracing tightly. I roll my eyes slightly before looking over Ford.

"I suggest you get that thing out of my face before I shove it up your fucking ass, Sixer."

"Did you come here to surrender suddenly?"

"You wish I did."

"Where is my grand nephew?"

"That's why I'm here. I.....fuck I hate this.....I need your help saving him."

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