Chapter 22

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(Bill pov)

A few weeks later

I walk up the stairs to the room, pushing the door open seeing Tad sitting up and pulling his shirt on, wincing sharply. "Dude, I told you to ask for help. Dumbass." I come over helping him button it up.

"I also told you to knock."

"You should know by now that I never listen."

"Yeah is it coming with the ship?"

"We should be good to leave early tomorrow morning."

"Is Dipper coming?"

"Yeah. No talking that boy out of it. I'm more surprised that Mabel isn't coming."

"Why would she even want to come?"

"Well you two have spent a lot of time together."

"It's not like that. She is plenty nice, but I'm pretty sure that guys aren't her type."

"Shame. She would have made a great match for you."

"Shut up."

I get up heading for the door, looking back at him. "Now fucking stay in bed this time. Or so help me I will chain you there."

I head downstairs to the kitchen, finishing up the tea I had been making for Pinetree, pouring it in the teacup and setting it on the tray with the sandwhich I made for him.

"Bill." I turn around seeing Ford. "We should talk."

"If you are just going to revow your revenge on me save it. We both already did that over 30 years ago and it wasn't fun then, it's not fun now. "

"It's not about that. It's about Dipper."

"What about him?"

"I just anted you to know that I appreciate everything you did for the twins. Especially for Dipper."

"Considering you have put up with my shit for the last few weeks without killing me, let's call it even. Besides, we'll be out of your hair by tomorrow morning."

I carry the tray upstairs heading to the attic. I pause outside the door, hearing a dull thud and the sound of Dipper cursing. I push the door open with my foot and step into the room.

Dipper sits on the floor, his foot tangled in a blanket that fell off the bed with him. "You okay, Pinetree?"

"I got fucking stuck when I tried to get out of bed."

"Hang on." I walk over to the desk setting the tray down. I kneel down untangling his foot from the blanket. I reach to the fresh bandages over his eye sockets, wanting to check them, but the minute I touch them he swats my hand away.

"Don't. They're fine. Mabel was in here a little bit ago. She just cleaned them and put new bandages on them." He blindly reaches out, grabbing the edge of his desk and standing up.

"Careful. The tea is-" His hand knocks over the cup of tea, it shattering and spilling everywhere once it hits the floor. "-right there...."

"Fuck!" He uses his hand, angrily sweeping everything off the desk and onto the floor.

"Pinetree just calm down." I stand up as he keeps his back to me. "What is going on with you?"

".....why didn't you just let me drown?"

"How could you even ask me that? I could never have let that happen."

"Well maybe you should have. Instead you forced me to stuck in this ever lasting hell where I can't see fucking shit. If the navy or even other pirates attack, I'll be fucking useless."


"I wish more than anything that you had just fucking left me to die."

He blindly feels for his desk chair, taking a seat in it with his knees pulled to his chest. Fuck, I had a feeling the last few weeks that he was getting depressed after everything that happened but I didn't realize it was this bad. I gently grab his hand but he pulls away from me. Sighing slightly, I think back to that night on my ship. The night of that party when he kissed me, and the song that had been playing when he did so. I hold my hand out to him as I softly start singing it.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas
With ne'er a fear of drowning
And gladly ride the waves of life
If you will marry me
No scorching sun nor freezing cold
will stop me on my journey, sorry
If you will promise me your heart

And love" I feel my voice get caught in my throat, it hurting that I don't know how to help him. That nothing I do can help him.

"And love me for eternity" I look at him surprised. He blindly reaches out with one hand. I gently grab his hand pulling him to his feet. Keeping one hand on his back and holding the other I slowly lead him through the same dance we did that night.

"My dearest one, my darling dear
Your mighty words astound me
But I've no need for mighty deeds
When I feel your arms around me

But I would bring you rings of gold
I'd even sing you poetry
And I would keep you from all harm
If you would stay beside me

I have no use for rings of gold
I care not for your poetry

I only want your hand to hold

I only want you near me

To love and kiss to sweetly hold
For the dancing and the dreaming
Through all life's sorrows and delights
I'll keep your laugh inside me
I'll swim and sail a savage seas
With ne'er a fear of drowning
And gladly ride the waves so life
And you will marry me"

I hold him close, happy to see a smile on his face once again. He rest his head on my chest as I softly kiss his temple.

"I love you, more than anything Pinetree. Never wish I had let you go. Because even the thought of that is a nightmare I live through every night."

"I promise I won't wish it ever again."



"Yeah, Pinetree?"

"I love you too."

I smile slightly, my fingers brushing against the Pinetree bracelet on his wrist as I softly kiss his lips once again.

The End

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