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|Third Person POV|

Sonic groans before his eyes fluttered open, and he grips his head, he remember getting ready to go to sleep when he was attacked by a Naga, and wanting to just eat him, he blinks before his face started to heat up at the memory of the two siblings had there muzzles sniffing his body. He shakes his head when his eyes looking around to see that he wasn't in the woods anymore but in a room, a fancy room that looked like something out of the Victoria Era, but he wasn't out in the woods anymore, getting out of bed and looking that his shoes were in front of the door, he just starts looking around the it was a nice spare room with a king size bed that was pressed up against the wall, a black dresser not far from the bed and there were photos on the nightstand, picking them up Sonic can see a blonde haired girl with blue eyes wearing a blue dress, a younger Scourge and Shadow with her smiling for the camera. The girl must be a human, but the picture proves to him that he was in what looks to be Shadow's and Scourge's place.

"I didn't know they lived in a castle...they didn't really seem like Princes to me" Sonic said to himself before going to get his shoes on and leave the room, maybe he can do some exploring of the castle.

Scourge yawns and stretches out his arm, and walks down the hallway, to only stop at the throne room to see his brother just standing into the middle of the room, looking at the old paints above the king and queen thrones of the king and queen. "And I thought I was weird for visiting the grave..."

"Do you think they are proud of us at least?" Shadow asked, he wasn't really looking for Scourge to respond to his question but he'd would like to think that his parents are, even if it's been a solid thirty-nine years, that had pasted, and him and Scourge are only twenty years old.

Scourge blinks before just looking off to the side, if anything their parents would be proud of Shadow more than himself, he hasn't really done anything for this Clan besides just a controlling asshole, that only thought about himself and not the entire Clan. "I would think so..." he lied, he was a good liar but when it came to his brother Shadow, he just can tell when he's lying, but right now he hoped he wouldn't say anything.

"Sonic?!" Shadow said turning his attention to the door where there was a blue hedgehog standing at the door. The green hedgehog sighed in relief that he wasn't gonna have to hear Shadow's lecture about their parents being proud of him as well, he knows it true, he's been told that so many times from his Mom and Dad, but as of lately and how he became, he had his own opinion on the matter. His gaze shifts to the blue hedgehog who just looked amazed by the throne room.

Sonic stepped into the throne room, it was rather big, with two thrones and above the two thrones were two portraits of the King and Queen, to the left of the throne was a golden crown in a glass case, and on the left was a pair of silver bracelets with, purple diamonds on the bracelets, to the right of the table was a silver tiara and to the left of the throne was an empty glass case but the stand that was in the case had a display of a jacket holder. The blue hedgehog only blinks well the resemblance to the mother and father to Shadow and Scourge are definitely their so the two hedgehog's are related. "Your Parents must have meant a lot to the Clan, but I'm glad that they have you two to continue on this legacy" he said.

Scourge just narrowed his eyes before a sigh escapes his mouth, but it was good to see that the blue hedgehog wasn't hurt from last night that he needed to be worry about, he was snapped out of his thoughts when Shadow opened his mouth.

"Was there a reason why you were out late at night?" Shadow asked, now that he asked, that was a good question. Night time in the territory was rather dangerous, the woods were homed to Hunters, wild animals, and feral nagas like Fiona.

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