Chapter 5

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Hongjoong and Yunho were in one of the training arena's, refining their sword fighting skills when the door opened, and someone walked in. They both stopped and Yunho stepped closer to Hongjoong, gripping his sword tightly and watching the man closely. The man's clothes were a little odd and Yunho was pretty sure he was a servant, but once again, you can never be too careful. The man bowed down quickly and Hongjoong nudged Yunho slightly, trying to get him to relax a little as it was clear the man wasn't a threat. He doesn't understand why he's guard has been so much more uptight lately, but he wants him to relax a little bit.

"Your Highness. Your father has arrived home and has requested both of your presence in the grand hall," the man said. Hongjoong frowned and shifted nervously, glancing to his right at Yunho before looking back to the man.

"Thank you. You're dismissed," he said. The man nodded and bowed down before leaving quickly. Hongjoong's heart started to pound and he turned to Yunho quickly.

"You need to go. You can come back tomorrow, but for now I want you gone," he said quickly. Yunho could tell that Hongjoong was scared and he knew why. They had an order, and they didn't go through with it. The King can't really do anything bad to Hongjoong as he's the Prince, but he can definitely punish Yunho.

"I'm not going anywhere Hongjoong. I'm your guard and I will stay with you until I absolutely can't," Yunho said firmly. He knows if he were to leave, Hongjoong would be in even more trouble from his father and what type of protector would he be if he did that.

"Yunho, he knows we came back earlier than we should've, and he's probably been informed that the deal was never sealed. It's been 6 hours, a letter could've been sent easily," Hongjoong said. He knows Yunho will be in trouble and he doesn't want him getting hurt, just like he didn't want Wooyoung getting hurt.

"I don't care, let's go," Yunho shrugged, sheathing his sword, and fixing up his coat.

"Yunho, he's going to hurt you," Hongjoong said worriedly.

"I know, but I knew that before we left. It's not like I haven't been punished before. He can't hurt me too much because he knows I need to look after you," Yunho said with a shrug.

"But he shouldn't be hurting you at all Yunho, you haven't done anything wrong," Hongjoong said sadly.

"There's nothing we can do. He's the King and your father, his word is the law. If I run away, it will just make things worse," Yunho pointed out. He knows how much it hurts Hongjoong when anyone is punished, especially one of them, but there's nothing the Crown Prince can do to stop it. There was one time when San was given a task by the King and he couldn't do it, so he was beaten and left chained in the dungeon of the castle for two days. Yunho was the one sent to release him, and it shattered his heart to see the younger like that. Hongjoong frowned but knew there was nothing he could do to change Yunho's mind.

"Come on," he said quietly. The two of them left and quickly made their way to the grand hall. When they walked inside, the King was sitting on his throne, talking to someone that Hongjoong once again didn't recognize, while the Kings three bodyguards stood around him. Hongjoong remained calm on the outside, although on the inside his heart was pounding and he was trying not to panic.

"You're dismissed," the King said, and the man left swiftly. Yunho glanced at Hongjoong, noticing the pretty well-hidden fear in his eyes. For anyone who wasn't as close to the Prince as he is, they wouldn't be able to notice it as Hongjoong's mask he had up, hid it well.

"Father," Hongjoong said, keeping his voice even as he walked with Yunho over to stand in front of the throne. The king looked up and Hongjoong fought the urge to flex his hands nervously at the look on his face.

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