Chapter 18

446 14 18

Trigger Warning

Violence, Blood, Death (No named characters)

A knock on the door signalled the ending of Wooyoung's pain and suffering for a bit. Hyunjae grumbled but turned off whatever it was that was shocking him. Wooyoung heaved for breath, tears rolling down his face and his body aching.

"Come in," Jangwon said.

"We were told to inform you that there are Knights of Fantasia on route," the person who walked in said.

"Apparently this little shit really is worth something. We'll be right out," Jangwon said.

"Boss says to hurry, we need all hands on deck," the newbie said.

"We just need to finish up here," Hyunjae said. Newbie nodded and left.

"So, we killing him now? He's given us nothing," Hyunjae said, turning back to Jangwoo. Wooyoung wanted to react, to be outraged, but he barely even had the energy to lift up his arm so he just let the tears quietly trail down his face.

"Hold on, why would we do that," Yeonjun asked quickly. Wooyoung sighed, wanting to reach out for him and reassure him it was fine, he can let him die. He lost track of how many times they came back, how long he had been holed up in the room. After every 'session' Yeonjun helped him as best as he could, held him while he cried but there was only so much he could do without getting caught.

"Because he's useless to us now, kind of always has been because he hasn't told us anything," Hyunjae said.

"He isn't useless. He's the reason the Knights are coming here, we have leverage. You go fight, I'll keep him chained up and bring him out if need be," Yeonjun said.

"That's actually a good idea. He may be useful after all. Keep him down here and kill anyone who comes to try and rescue him," Jangwoo said.

"Are you serious," Hyunjae asked.

"Yes I'm serious, let's go," Jangwoo said. Hyunjae growled angrily but didn't say anything, following Jangwoo out of the room. Once they were gone, Yeonjun quickly undid the chains around Wooyoung's ankles and wrists so he was free to move.

"There's a back door. If we hurry we can slip out and get you somewhere safer until the fighting's done," Yeonjun said quickly. Wooyoung nodded slightly, letting his head fall completely and his eyes slip closed. They came for him, they still care, he's still loved. That's all he needed to know. Yeonjun's eyes went wide at the sight of the young servant on the bench. He hurried to his side and pulled him up into his arms.

"No, no, no. Wooyoung stay with me. You did not just withstand all that only to pass away when your family comes. Open your eyes, please open your eyes," Yeonjun said quickly. Wooyoung desperately wanted to, to show his new friend he was going to be ok, but he didn't have the energy.

"Open your eyes Wooyoung. Do it for San, he wouldn't want you to die like this," Yeonjun said. Wooyoung's stomach dropped at the thought and he tried harder, eventually managing to slip his eyes open.

"There we go. You're going to be just fine Wooyoung, I'll protect you until you can reunite with your family, I promise," Yeonjun said.

"I-I'm so cold, and so tired," Wooyoung whispered.

"I know you are, but just hold on. Think of Hongjoong and Jongho. They want to see you," Yeonjun said.

"It h-hurts so much," Wooyoung said, sobbing dryly. He had cuts and bruises all over his body, probably a broken finger or two and a very sore head.

"I know it does. Just hang in there," Yeonjun said, running his fingers through his hair.

"My, my, my, what do we have here. I thought there was something off about you Yeonjun." Yeonjun's head snapped up, his body tensing and Wooyoung glanced over to see Hyunjae standing in the now open doorway. Yeonjun stood up quickly, pulling Wooyoung up in his arms with him and using the bench as a divider between them and Hyunjae.

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