Chapter 15

536 11 18

Trigger Warning

Blood and Violence

"Joong, did you hear that," Yunho asked. They had been riding for close to an hour and a half when Yunho picked up the sound of more hooves from behind them.

"Do you think it's the others," Hongjoong asked as they continued to ride. God, he hopes it's the others and not riders from Balhae.

"I don't-. I'm not sure, just keep riding guys," Yunho said. Hongjoong pulled his horse back slightly, positioning it to ride behind Seonghwa. Seonghwa glanced back in confusion and raised an eyebrow.

"Just keep going," Hongjoong said quickly. Out of the three of them, Seonghwa is the one who is most vulnerable so he'll do whatever he can to keep him safe.

"We need to go quicker, we don't know if they're getting closer to us," Yunho said.

"We can't make the horses go any faster, they're already galloping as fast as they can," Hongjoong said. He strained his ears, trying to ignore the sounds of their horses, and listen to see if the others were getting closer. They were, it was clear they were getting louder. Shit.

"Seonghwa listen to me right now ok," Hongjoong said quickly. Seonghwa glanced back briefly before nodding and continuing to ride.

"No matter what happens, you will not stop until you get to the castle o-."

"I'm not doing that. I'm not going to leave either of you," Seonghwa said, cutting him off. They are his family and if they're going to fight, he's going to be there to help as best as he can.

"As the Crown Prince of Fantasia, that is an order," Hongjoong said firmly. He never likes pulling rank, but he will never forgive himself if something happens to Seonghwa.

"As someone he cares about you Kim Hongjoong, I'm defying that order and the answer is still no," Seonghwa replied angrily. He's not going to abandon his family when they're in danger. Hongjoong has taught him how to defend himself, how to use a sword and he can use that knowledge to help them if anything happens. Hongjoong's jaw tightened but he didn't say anything, knowing how stubborn his friend is and that nothing he says can change his mind. Yunho glanced behind to check on the other two but his heart stopped at what he saw. There were 4 riders of Balhae emerging from the bushes behind them. There's no way they're making it back to the castle without being attacked. He groaned before unsheathing his sword and spinning his horse around, galloping past Hongjoong and towards the Knights. Hongjoong's eyes widened in shock as Yunho sped by and he turned his head to see the enemy. He cursed himself and reared his horse back, turning and riding towards them to give Yunho some back up. Yunho made it to the first Knight and blocked their sword with his own before slicing their arm slightly. That got the Knights attention and he quickly rode off to take them away from the others. As he rode, he glanced back to see two following him, the others going to Hongjoong. If it was someone else, he would be worried and try to get back but Hongjoong can handle two and he can handle two. This is the safest way to deal with things. He rode quickly, dodging in and out between the trees to try and lose the two tailing him. When he saw an opening, he quickly darted through the trees, circling back and coming back out between the two who didn't seem to notice he had turned around. He made quick work of slicing the first Knights neck and then stabbing the second in the back, killing both of them. He quickly reached out and grabbed the two horses reins, slowing them both down. He quickly cut off the saddles and bridles, before letting them both go. The horses rode off and he quickly turned back around, racing through the trees to get back to where he had left the others, his heart pounding in anxiety. He knows Hongjoong can protect himself but it's his duty to make sure he's safe and he can't let anything happen to him, not to mention Seonghwa is there as well. If something happens to them, it's on him.

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