Chapter 6

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"Hongjoong, you aren't supposed to be here," San said quietly as Hongjoong walked into the room that lead to the dungeons. Hongjoong disregarded San's words and walked down the hall towards the room he knows Yunho will be held in.

"Joong, your father said not to come here. I will unchain him and then we'll come up to your room and you can check on him," San said as he hurried to keep up. The King was specific in saying Hongjoong wasn't allowed to talk to anyone in the dungeons until they were out and he didn't want Hongjoong getting in more trouble than he already was.

"San. I'm going to get Yunho out of there with you, so just stop even bothering," Hongjoong said. San sighed but stayed quiet, knowing he couldn't convince him of anything different. They got to the room and San quickly pulled out the keys, inserting it into the lock and unlocking it. The minute it was unlocked, Hongjoong hurried forwards and opened the door, rushing inside but stopping when he saw Yunho. The boy had his arms chained above his head, no shirt and a bruise on the side of his torso.

"Yunho," he gasped, rushing forwards and raising a hand to cup his cheek, noticing his lip was split slightly. Yunho blinked his eyes open tiredly as he felt a hand touching his cheek. He would've flinched but from the touch alone, he knew it was one of his close friends from the castle, most likely San. However, when he looked up he saw it was Hongjoong, not San. Hongjoong who is not supposed to be here, not at all.

"Hongjoong, what're you doing here," he said, trying to scold him, but it just came out weak and tired.

"I'm here to get you out, take you to my room to rest," Hongjoong said softly as San hurried over and begun to unlock his chains.

"I'm so sor-."

"Hongjoong, don't feel guilty. I told you it's fine, and it's not your fault at all. It wasn't that bad anyway," Yunho said, cutting Hongjoong off. He didn't want the Prince to be stressing and guilty for something his father did.

"It wasn't bad? And yet there's a big bruise on your torso," Hongjoong pointed out. San finished unchaining him and Yunho fell forwards, but both San and Hongjoong caught him and hugged him tightly.

"You ok," San asked worriedly as they lowered Yunho onto his knees. Yunho blinked and nodded.

"Just give me a few seconds to stretch and get my bearings a little," he said, holding tightly to Hongjoong's shirt. His head was spinning and he felt weak, dropping his head down onto San's shoulder. San glanced worriedly at Hongjoong, seeing the older was just as worried about Yunho.

"Take you time," Hongjoong said sadly, moving his hand to run through Yunho's hand, hoping it would bring comfort.

"I'm ok," Yunho said quickly, trying to reassure Hongjoong once again. Hongjoong lowered his eyes sadly, feeling helpless as his friend was exhausted and in pain because of his family.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, placing his forehead on top of Yunho's sadly.

"Don't be," Yunho said softly.

"Can you help me up," he added, feeling slightly better now. San nodded and gently pulled Yunho to his feet, Hongjoong quickly helping out. Yunho's head spun slightly, but he held onto San tightly and the they just stayed still for a few seconds so he could get his bearings.

"You alright," San asked softly.

"Yeah I'm ok. Stop stressing you two," Yunho said softly.

"We care about you Yunho," San said quietly..

"I know, and I'm alright, just a little tired. I promise," Yunho replied. Hongjoong sighed but nodded. He took a step back and begun to untie his robe.

"Hongjoong, don't be stupid," Yunho snapped, knowing what he was doing. Hongjoong froze and looked over at Yunho with wide eyes. All he was going to do was give Yunho his robe so that he would be covered and warmer.

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