Chapter 7

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Trigger Warning

There is death, blood and stabbing in this chapter, so if any of those

"Come on you two, it's time to go to bed," Jongho said with a sigh, leaning against the doorway to the room. Yeosang was laying on his bed reading a book, while Wooyoung was cuddled against him, just blinking tiredly. Yeosang glanced up before looking out the window and noticing just how dark it was.

"Sorry Jjong, we got carried away," Yeosang apologized.

"Wooyoung looks like he's about to fall asleep," Jongho pointed out. Yeosang looked down quickly and smiled as Wooyoung blinked sleepily up at him.

"He's so cute," he chuckled, ruffling his hair.

"Yes, adorable. Now get some sleep Yeosang," Jongho said. He walked over to the bed and grabbed the book from Yeosang's hand, putting in a bookmark and placing it on the table beside the bed.

"Sleep," he said. Yeosang nodded and relaxed more, laying down properly and pulling Wooyoung into his arms. He made sure Wooyoung was comfortable before giving Jongho a small smile. Jongho went around and blew out the candle, leaving the one on the other side of the room still burning for a little extra light.

"I'll be outside the door for most of the night, but if you need anything a bit later, I'll be staying in the room down the hall," Jongho said.

"You don't need to stand outside my room every night. It's not like someone's going to snatch me in the night," Yeosang said. He knows that Jongho stays outside most of the night and it means he doesn't get much sleep.

"Two Kingdoms are going to war Sangie, who knows what else is happening. I'm going to look after you until things die down a bit more," Jongho said firmly. There is no way he's going to leave the Prince's room unattended, especially near midnight when assassinations usually happen. Yeosang sighed but nodded, knowing Jongho wasn't going to back down as he's far too protective.

"Goodnight Jongho," he said softly. Jongho nodded and left the room, closing the door and moving to the other side of the hall, resting his back against it and watching the doorway.

Wooyoung snuggled closer to Yeosang on the bed, resting his head on his shoulder. Yeosang smiled softly and tightened his hold around the younger boys waist, letting his eyes slip closed to fall asleep.


Jongho was still waiting in the hall a few hours later, just resting against the wall and keeping an eye on Yeosang's door. It was probably close to 1am and he was considering heading off to his room to get some rest soon. He sighed and stood up properly, moving to walk down the hall, but stopped when he heard a noise. He turned around quickly, looking down the other end of the hall but didn't see much as it was quite dark. He took a few steps forward, standing in front of the bedroom door and looked around. It remained silent once again, but something didn't sit right with him. Something felt off. He quickly pulled his sword out and opened the bedroom door, stepping in slightly, but not fully so he could still keep an eye down the hall.

"Yeosang, Wooyoung, wake up," he called out, making sure not to be too loud. Yeosang didn't stir, but Wooyoung lifted his head up slightly. He'd been awake for a little bit, just relaxing and thinking quietly.

"Jongho? What's wrong," he asked, glancing at the doorway in confusion. Jongho doesn't usually bother them throughout the night.

"I need you to close the door and lock it for me alright," Jongho said quickly. Wooyoung was confused at his words. What's the point of locking it? Everyone knows not to open the door during the night. Jongho's head snapped back to the hall as he heard another odd noise.

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