Chapter 3 - That Friday Afternoon

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Friday came and Claire got even more nervous. She didn't even know what to expect anymore.

She got up fast and rushed to the bathroom to wash her face. She had a weird dream and she just wanted to forget it as fast as she could. She looked up into the mirror and sighed.

"And I still haven't met him..." she facepalmed and rubbed her eyes. "Wakey, wakey, Claire."

She managed to get herself back together and walked into the kitchen.

"Let's make something nice." she looked inside the fridge and started thinking. "I shouldn't eat anything that makes my breath stink."

She slowly looked at everything one by one as she thought.

"I'm taking this a bit too far again." she shook her head and took out a few eggs. "Let's just make scrambled eggs."


It was half past one after she finally managed to put her dress on and get ready. She looked inside the mirror one more time.

"Hmm... I need to do something with my hair."

She took out the hair band from her hair and tilted her head slightly.

"Yeah, this will do it." she smiled a bit.

This was the first time she actually decided to go somewhere with her hair free. She always tied it up in a ponytail.

"It's time for a change." she grabbed her little bag and walked to the elevator.


She went to the park by foot due to the fact that she cannot drive her motorcycle in a dress. She was a bit late so she had to walk fast.

When she finally arrived to the park, she stopped and looked around.

"No sign of Leon." she thought to herself and decided to sit down onto a bench.

She checked her watch nervously as she waited. A few pigeons showed up at her legs asking for food. Claire smiled a bit.

"Hey little guys." she waved at them.

The pigeons seemed confused and they started flying around a bit. Claire took a big breath and exhaled loudly thinking about when Leon will show up.

Not so long later a taxi showed up next to the park. This drew Claire's attention immediately. She slowly got up and tried to see the person who gets out of the car. It was a tall man in a suit.

"Leon?" she asked herself and started walking up to him.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her shoulder from behind and she screamed up in fear.

"Hey. Where are you going?" a male voice spoke up.

Claire turned around and covered her mouth in shame.

"Leon?! Where did you-??" she slowly put her hands away.

"Sorry to scare you. You were walking away from me." Leon smiled at her innocently.

Claire looked back at the man who was with another lady by now.

"Oh, I thought-" she scratched the back of her neck feeling embarrassed.

"It's okay. It happens to the best of us." he slowly slided his hands into his pockets.

Claire giggled a bit shyly.

"You look breath taking." he added.

She turned red and measured him.

"And this suit still doesn't fit you." she replied.

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