Chapter 8 - Losing The Battle

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After having that little drama in the coffee shop, they decided to go back to Don's house and relax a bit. Claire wanted to talk to Leon about everything that has happened.

He sat down onto the bed and looked at her.

"Why?" she spoke up as she stood in front of him. "Why did you do it?? Now he knows everything!"

"He knew everything the whole time." he corrected her as he looked down onto the floor.

"No! You busted us! You ruined everything!" she started yelling at him.

Leon glanced at her with an angry look and stood up.

"Don't blame it on me! Your acting is the worst. I've seen better in Spanish operas."

"Oh, really?!" Claire put her hands on her hips. "You're the one who can't shut up and thirsts over an Asian hoe!"

He let out an annoyed grunt.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that..." he murmured angrily. "You asked for my help in the first place!"

"And here we go again, you protect her no matter what."

"Because she doesn't deserve-"

Claire didn't let him finish.

"She's working with the bad guy and you're on her side?? Pathetic." she teared up. "I- I thought we have something between us but I guess I was wrong."

Leon stayed quiet this time. He looked down in shame.

"Go home, Leon! I don't need your stupid help!" she started crying as she pointed at the door.

He glanced at the door, then back at her and sighed.

"Okay. As you wish."

His words were quiet and full of pain. He slowly made his way to the door and grabbed the door handle. He looked at Claire one more time before leaving the room.

Claire fell to her knees and started crying even more. She felt betrayed and hurt. She couldn't believe that after everything this is how Leon felt. She made a fool of herself after all.


As soon as Leon left the room, he stopped and stared at the door opposite to their bedroom. It was Don's bedroom and he knew it too. He couldn't let this slide so easily. He walked to the door and opened it without knocking. He expected an angry Don looking at him but the room was fully empty.

He looked around a bit confused, then closed the door behind himself. He took out his ring and started scanning the area.

"I wonder what that little device was Ada gave him..." he thought to himself.

The ring started beeping loudly and he stared at the object he stopped at. It was a painting on the wall of Don's family. He frowned a bit as he analyzed it; his parents and himself. He indeed never had a sister. He shook his head and carefully reached for the painting. He grabbed it and took it off from the wall and placed it on the bed. He gasped a bit as he saw what was behind it. It was a secret door which required a code.

"A seven-digit code..." he thought as he stared at the device and the numbers on it. "There must be something that can help me."

He started looking around for clues. He searched through his drawer and found a little book. It was a bit burnt on the left side. Leon carefully opened it and soon saw a few interesting things. There were random scribbles here and there. Unfortunately, he couldn't make them out because the writing was terrible.

He flipped the pages and soon encountered something he needed.

I am a seven-digit number. All of my digits are distinct and non-zero. The sum of all my digits is 29. My first digit is 2, and my last is 6. No two consecutive digits are even, no two consecutive digits are odd, and no two consecutive digits are prime.
The number also follows another interesting pattern - starting from the first digit, if the second digit is higher, then the third will be lower than the second, and the fourth higher than the third, and so on alternately. This pattern can also be inverted.
What am I?

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