Chapter 6 - A Night In New York

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It was Sunday and the sunlight shined through the window right onto Claire's bed. The woman was still in a deep sleep. Her alarm went off for the third time when she finally managed to wake up. She turned it off and sat up slowly realizing that she overslept.

"Good job, Claire..." she muttered to herself as she rubbed her eyes and got up.

She made her way to her wardrobe and opened it. She looked through all the clothes as she started thinking.

"We'll meet Don today. I should dress good... but not too good."

She took out a white shirt and blue jeans. She slowly took her pyjama off and put on her bra. After that, she put on the shirt and the jeans too. She walked to the mirror and looked at herself.

"Casual. I like it." she smiled a bit and tied up her hair in her usual ponytail.

She started walking inside the kitchen when her bell rang. She stopped and turned to the door. She thought a bit before she went there and opened it.

"Someone fell asleep." Leon spoke up as he waved at her.

He was wearing his ordinary black leather jacket with a blue shirt under it.

"Leon? How do you know where I'm staying at?" she frowned at him.

"It was simple. I asked the girl downstairs. Anyway, did you manage to visit your brother yesterday?"

Claire was surprised by this sudden question.

"Yeah. I brought him his favorite meal. He was so happy." she smiled at him.

Leon smiled back at her.

"Glad to hear that. Our flight goes soon. We shouldn't be late."

"Flight? I thought we're going by car." she blinked at him a few times in confusion.

"A helicopter is way faster." he replied seriously.

"Oh, right. Forgot that I'm hanging out with the president's bestie." she giggled a bit.

"Bestie? I just wish to be." Leon chuckled a bit and measured her. "Nice outfit."

This compliment made Claire blush a bit. She expected him to compliment her in her dress but this was just her ordinary outfit. It was nice knowing that Leon likes it.

"Thank you! Let me grab my bag and put on my jacket and we can go." she smiled at him and walked inside.

She quickly made her way to her bedroom and took her suitcase which contained all her clothes and walked back to Leon. She placed it next to him and walked to the hanger to put her red jacket on.

"Alright, I'm ready." she put her hands on her hips and grinned proudly.

"Let us go then." Leon grabbed the suitcase and started walking to the elevator.

Claire was surprised by the fact that Leon took her stuff without even questioning it. She shrugged and locked the door before following him. They got inside the elevator and went down with it. After that, they left the building and headed to the airport.

"The helicopter is waiting for us there." Leon explained as they walked. "Are you excited?"

"Yeah." she nodded. "I don't know what to expect from Don."

"Me neither to be honest. But whatever he does, please be careful."

"Come on, don't be like my brother. I'm not a child..." she grunted angrily and looked away from him.

"This is for our safety."

"I'm not scared of him." Claire stated confidently.

They soon arrived to the airport and turned left. They noticed the helicopter waiting for them.

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