Chapter 13 - The Final Showdown - Part 2

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Ada tried to break free with no luck. She looked around nervously. This wasn't a part of the plan; is he planning to kill her too? Claire started crying next to her which made her even more stressed. She glanced at Wesker helplessly. The man raised his arm and looked at his watch.

"It's time." he spoke up and walked up to the cell.

Claire stopped crying and wiped her tears.

"Too bad I'm not giving you the keys." she said angrily.

A grin appeared on Wesker's face as he chuckled.

"That was a fake key." he replied firmly and took out a small device from his pocket. "The door works with this button."

Chris frowned in anger as he tried to free himself. He turned to his sister and started whispering to her.

"Grab the knife from my pocket and cut the ropes. Quick!" 

Claire nodded and reached out to him carefully.

"Are you talking about this?" Wesker turned to them and took out a pocket knife. "I'm not a fool, Chris."

He threw the knife across the room far away from them. Chris followed it with his gaze and let out an annoyed grunt. The blonde man faced the cell again and raised the device. He looked at it and pressed the button.

A loud crack was audible, then the cell slowly opened up. Wesker stepped aside from the entrance to let Leon come out. He slowly walked out of the cell and looked at everyone one by one.

"Leon!!" Claire yelled up to him and slowly got up from the chair.

Leon didn't seem to care about her. His gaze slowly stopped on Wesker who reached out to touch his face. Leon didn't back off nor moved away which created a small grin on Wesker's face.

"You are pure perfection." he tilted his head slightly as he spoke.

Leon just stared into his eyes without a single word. He didn't seem to have any feelings. He was no longer human, he became an emotionless killing machine; just a bioweapon.

Wesker let go of him and looked at Chris. Leon did the same. Chris felt the chills run down his spine by their mysterious gaze. He didn't say a word, he kept all his thoughts to himself.

Claire on the other hand was full of emotion and thoughts. She started yelling angrily as tears ran down her face.


Instead of waiting for a reply, she quickly took out the pistol Chris gave her and aimed at them. Leon didn't move an inch; his red eyes were fixated on Claire now.

Ada looked at Claire concerned and couldn't help but yell out to her.

"Don't do anything stupid! He's super fast!" she warned her and started switching her eyes between her and the two men.

Chris closed his eyes and looked down; hoping that his sister will make the right choice.

Claire was ready to pull the trigger but in the last second she aimed her weapon at Jill and shot the red device on her chest immediately. Jill fell to her knees. This activated Leon and he quickly ran up to Claire and kicked the gun out of her hand. She backed off in fear as the man grabbed her by the throat and raised her up into the air. She tried to hit him with no luck. 

"CLAIRE!!" Chris shouted and started moving around with the chair.

Ada was busy staring at Jill. Wesker rushed up to her and tried to help her up but the woman didn't react. She slowly looked up at him as she was trying to catch her breath. She seemed to be thinking. Her gaze slowly wandered up to the man on the chair. Her eyes widened as she recognized him.

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