Chapter 7 - A Familiar Face

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It was 7 o'clock and the sun was already shining bright on the beautiful blue sky.

Claire slowly opened her eyes and yawned as she stretched her arms. She sat up and rubbed her eyes and looked left where Leon was still in a deep sleep. After all, this time she is not the one who overslept. She giggled a bit at the sight of him still sleeping and yawned once again.

She carefully got up and walked to the window. She drew the curtain and opened the window, then checked the view. It seemed like an ordinary day in New York. She took a deep breath from the fresh air and turned to look at Leon again. No reaction.

She slowly made her way next to him and crouched down. His eyes were shut and his breathing was quiet. She slightly tilted her head. She found him cute.

"Leon." she whispered. "It's time to wake up, cutie."

Leon visibly frowned and mumbled something.

"Come on." she shook him gently. "I can't wait all day."

He turned on his back and slowly opened his eyes.

"What..." he muttered as he rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning, Leon!" she smiled at him lovingly.

He really teased her yesterday which made her mad at him but she couldn't stay angry. She loved Leon more than she expected.

"Good morning." Leon yawned and sat up.

He put the blanket on himself like he's trying to hide something. Claire knew what this meant so she got up and walked to her bag instead.

She picked out her clothes one by one; a white bra, a yellow tank top and blue shorts. She walked out of the room and into the bathroom to put them on. She quickly did that and came back.

When she arrived back, Leon was shirtless as he was looking for his shirt. Claire froze in the doorway as she stared at him.

"Still... so hot." she thought to herself as she started blushing.

"Glad you like the view but I need your help in finding my shirt." he spoke up snapping Claire back to reality.

He looked at her and waited for a reaction. The woman was just standing there without any movement.

"I-... I-.... I'm sorry." she finally managed to talk and started looking around with a fully red face.

It was audible that Leon chuckled a bit which just made her even more flustered. She found his shirt in another bag and threw it at him.

"Don't start this again!" she yelled up; her face heating up.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed." he smiled at her and put on his shirt with a now serious face expression.

Claire sighed as she sat down onto the bed.

"Claire. Could you flirt with Don?"

This question was so sudden and random. She just frowned at him.

"Excuse me? I thought he's the-"

Before she could finish the sentence, Leon put his index finger to her mouth.

"I need to know his behavior more to figure out who he is." he whispered. "And since we fought yesterday, I shouldn't talk to him at all. Let's pretend like I'm jealous because you like him, okay?"

She looked into his eyes and started thinking. He was right though; they needed to know him more.

"Fine. I'm in." she nodded and walked to the door. "Just protect me if he does anything... like that."

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