Chapter 12 - The Final Showdown - Part 1

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Days passed by... Or weeks? Maybe years. He couldn't tell. Every day just became worse as he soon started feeling numb. He couldn't even tell if he was himself or he was someone new by the time. He just sat there staring at the ceiling like a dead person. Hmmm... Maybe he was dead. Everything was a blur...

He was living in a cell which felt like a little room for him. A new home perhaps. Not like he needed anything else; he had everything he required right there. He had food, a toilet, a bed... What else would a person need?

As time went on pain struck him. It started off with a little headache which slowly turned into an agonizing pain. He started having hallucinations as well. His veins became visible and he felt a stabbing pain in his arms. He didn't know how long he can last. He knew that sooner or later he'll lose himself completely.

He slowly got up from the ground and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was messy, his skin was pale and he had red eyes. He closed his eyes and looked down as he leaned onto the sink. His body was shaking a bit from the pain.

He didn't know when this will end. He had enough and he just wished to die at this point. He lost all his hope.

A few footsteps were audible as a voice spoke up.

"What's on your mind?"

He didn't need to turn around to know who this was. He clenched his fists angrily as he stared at him through the mirror.

"Do not worry, if my calculations were correct, this is your last day." the man added while stepping closer to his little cell.

Leon slowly turned around to face the man. He walked up to him as close as he could and held the bars.

"What do you mean...?" he asked silently; being barely able to talk.

"Today, you are complete." he stepped close to him as well; looking into his eyes.

Leon put his head on one of the bars and closed his eyes.

"Why can't you just kill me instead of putting me through this fucking misery?!" he yelled up painfully.

The man tilted his head slightly as he chuckled a bit.

"Because you are perfect." he finally replied with a small grin on his face. "You are the perfect bioweapon."

Leon hit the bar with his head without thinking. He looked up at him fiercefully as blood started flowing down his head.

"I wouldn't hurt myself if I were you." the man's smile faded away. "The parasite will blow your head off if you're dangerously injured."

"I don't care. At least I wouldn't have to look at your ugly face." Leon grunted angrily as he started feeling dizzy from the blood loss.

The man sighed and shook his head firmly.

"I warned you." he said and walked away.

Leon stared at him for a while, then suddenly fell down onto his knees. He looked down as tears started running down his face. This will never end, will it...?

All of a sudden, a loud thud was audible. This immediately drew Leon's attention as he started looking around. His gaze stopped on a little vent which was moving. Its door opened and a woman climbed out carefully. Leon couldn't make out a lot because his vision was blurry. He only saw red.

"A woman in red..." he whispered to himself as he slowly realized who it was.

The woman put the vent door back and got up. She stretched and looked at Leon. She immediately rushed up to him.

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