Chapter 10 - A Little Help

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It's been a few days since the argument. Claire became a bit depressed about this whole situation and she couldn't stop thinking about Leon.

"It's been days and he still hasn't contacted me, Chris..." she spoke up almost breaking out in tears.

"Come on, Claire. Don't do this... Why don't you just write to him yourself?" her brother asked while he was busy making some tea.

"I have!! I sent him like five mails and still nothing!" she buried her face in her hands.

"Have you tried calling him up?"

"Yes! Like twenty times! Every time I tried a lady started speaking..." she sighed sadly.

"Hmm. I guess his phone is turned off." Chris shrugged as he thought.

"Why would it be? He's working for the president, he can't just disappear like that!"

"Maybe he just needs time, Claire. Don't expect too much. It's not easy for him either. He needs a few days probably." he said as he finished making the tea.

"But it's been a few days, Chris!! Almost a week now!"

"I hate to say this but... maybe your friend knows something." he sighed and took a seat next to her.

"Don?" she tilted her head slightly.

Chris nodded.

"Yeah. I dislike him but maybe we could ask him."

"You're a genius!" a small smile appeared on Claire's face as she dialed Don's number.

She raised her phone to her ear and waited for him to pick it up. A few seconds later he did.

"Good day, Claire. I'm surprised by your call. I honestly thought you're mad at me." he spoke up; his words being gentle and caring just like last time.

"Hey Don. I'm not mad... But uhh... I have a question." she started talking feeling a bit nervous. "Do you know anything about Leon? Since our argument I cannot reach him..."

"Leon? No. Unfortunately. Did he just disappear?" he asked back a bit unsure.

"Yes. I'm worried about him."

"I see. I'm truly sorry. I wish I could help."

This time he sounded a bit disappointed.

"You could actually. You're the police chief in Washington. Maybe you could talk to the president or...." Claire suggested but Don didn't seem to like this idea.

"No, I don't think I have the rights to talk to him. But perhaps we could meet in person and figure out something."

She glanced at her brother who squinted his eyes in suspicion.

"Uhh... Good idea! Are you in New York right now?" she asked a bit unsure.

"Yes. I'm not working this week."

"Okay, then we'll go there. We don't live that far away from there."

"Great. See you soon, Claire." Don said in a warm tone.

"B-bye!" Claire said her goodbyes and hung up.

"Why??" Chris spoke up angrily.

"Because he might know something. He can easily lie. After all, Leon said he's the murderer..." she took a deep breath and started thinking.


"Calm down! I'll just meet him and come back."

"No! I'm taking you there and I'm staying with you the whole time! I don't accept it in any other way!" Chris got up and walked to the bedroom to change his clothes.

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