Chapter 4 - Something Is Wrong

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Leon and Claire rushed inside the hospital. She couldn't get her mind off her brother. She was worried like never before. Her brother was known for getting in trouble easily on his missions but getting to the hospital was on a new level.

They made their way to the desk where a lady was sitting. She looked up at them.

"Good afternoon. How can I help?"

Claire stepped closer before she started talking.

"I came to visit my brother, Chris Redfield." she said nervously.

The lady nodded and pointed at the left hallway.

"Room 56." she said.

"Thank you." Claire immediately started walking in that direction.

Leon followed her behind silently. He was lost in his thoughts.

They arrived to the door and Claire slowly reached for the door handle. She grabbed it and slowly looked at Leon.

"You should stay outside instead." she spoke up. "He doesn't like other men around me."

Leon smiled a bit.

"An overprotective brother. That's sweet."

Claire giggled a bit before entering the room. She closed the door behind herself and slowly walked up to the bed to see her brother.

"Claire-Bear!" he spoke up and smiled at her. "I was waiting for you."

"Chris!" she hugged him tightly. "I was worried about you! What happened?"

Chris hugged her back even tighter.

"A little accident on the way back. I almost broke my right leg." he explained.

Claire slowly let go of him and wiped off her tears.

"You can't be serious... You should stop!"

"Stop? But this is my job, Claire." Chris frowned and looked away. "I'm just trying to find her..."

"Chris, I'm so sorry but she is dead... You have to understand." she looked down and sighed.

"No!" Chris yelled up. "Jill is not dead... She can't be..."

"You told me she sacrificed herself to save you. She jumped out the window. She couldn't have survived."

"But I don't want her to be dead!" Chris sat up carefully. "She was my best friend, my partner..."

"I know. But some people just have to go." Claire said and looked down.

Tears appeared in Chris' eyes as he laid back and took a deep breath.

"At least I have you..." he looked at her. "I hope you didn't get yourself in danger."

Claire thought a bit before replying.

"No! Everything is fine."

It was kind of a lie but she didn't want him to worry about her. It's enough if she's worried about him.

Chris smiled at her gently.

"I love you, Claire. You're the best sister a person could ever get."

This was heart melting for Claire so she just made an "awww" noise.

"I love you too, Chris!" she spread her arms and hugged him once again.

Chris chuckled a bit.

"Alright, now... Explain the clothes." he let go of her and crossed his arms suspecting something.

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