Ch. 6: First Day of School

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It wasn't long before the results for the Entrance Exam came in. Jay went to grab the mail and saw the letters, immediately dashing back to the others yelling frantically that it was here. They all immediately dropped what they were doing and took their individual letters, and then headed to different rooms to watch them without distraction.

They all found a video message from All Might, who was apparently going to be a teacher! He praised each of them for their amazing work and they also gained extra hero points for saving people along the way. Unsurprisingly, Lloyd had the highest score. All Might gleefully welcomed them to U. A.

So now here they were, in front of the gates of the best hero school in Japan. They wore their new uniforms proudly.

"Oh man, this is so exciting!" Jay lowkey squealed, holding the straps of his backpack and bouncing in his spot.

"Kinda nerve wrecking though, I haven't been to school since Darkly's..." Lloyd said, sweat dropping a little. The only experience he had with school was his boarding school which was meant to raise villains, and ever since he became a ninja he never had the luxury of normal school. It made him nervous, who knows how much he missed?

"You'll be fine Green Machine. Don't forget we'll be by your side the whole way." Cole reassured him, wrapping a comforting arm around his shoulders. Lloyd smiled and nodded.

"You know, this'll be a good experience for us. None of us have that much experience with school." Nya pointed out, and it was true. Lloyd was basically raised in Darkly's until he was kicked out, Kai and Nya couldn't really afford going to school after their parents disappeared, Jay and Cole had more experience but their duties as ninja changed that, Zane never went to school at all. (Not that he really needed it much).

"That's true, and it's definitely gonna be different from merely teaching a bunch of little kids." Kai remarked, remembering their short time as teachers for the reformed Darkly's kids.
"The teachers have become the students." Zane added playfully, getting a few chuckles out of his friends.

It didn't take long to find their classroom, Class 1-A. Miraculously, they were all put in the same class. They thought they were going to be split up so the classes would be even, but apparently not. While the others were just happy they weren't going to be separated, Zane couldn't help but ponder the reason.

They entered their classroom and saw a plethora of other students there already. There were actually a few familiar faces as well. Bakugo, Iida Jiro, Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima all recognized them instantly. Well, they recognized the ones that they met during the entrance exam.

"Oh hey cool! You got in! Can't say I wasn't expecting it." Kaminari said, to which Jay grinned at his fellow electric type. "Oh you know it! That entrance exam was a piece of cake!"

"You were an absolute monster man."

The ninja split up and made conversation with their new classmates. They got along well! Weird how they were all in the same class though, what a coincidence!

A few minutes later another one of their classmates arrived, the green haired kid from the exam. His name was Izuku Midoriya, so they've heard. From what Lloyd told them, he packed a serious punch. But he was so timid and nervous around everyone. He looked a little frightened/nervous when Iida approached him.

'Guess he isn't very good with people.' Lloyd thought as he watched the interaction. Then he saw the gravity girl from the test show up as well. She was energetic that's for sure. And if Midoriya wasn't nervous already he definitely was now. He was all red and flustered. Must not be used to talking to girls that much. Lloyd could tell from experience. (Though he himself definitely wasn't as bad as this kid).

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