Chapter 7

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"Is it just me or were they more fun to be around when they weren't together," Stevie whispers to Jules. The four of you were taking a break from putting your things into boxes. Originally you were going to pack it up yourself but Leigh insisted that she help and to make sure work actually got done she recruited Jules to be a chaperone and once she caught on she of course had to invite Stevie so she didn't have to suffer the endless love fest between the two of you alone.

Jules rubs her temples as you and Leigh are lost in your own little world together. "It's not just you," she mutters. "Since this happened," she gestures to the two in front of her with her fork. "I haven't been able to keep my food down."

Stevie wears a tight grimace, "That bad huh?" She doesn't even have to confirm anything because the display of affection between you and Leigh was proof enough. And it was nauseating. However, they did feel good that you were clearly happy and have opened your heart to someone. They were starting to believe that they would never see the day, even though a part of them felt that Leigh was the person you were going to move on with.

The reason for the packing is that you were finally moving back into your home. After another month of wrestling with the idea, you finally decided that you were more than ready to return. Leigh is being supportive this time around. She knew how difficult it could be to return to a place you once shared with someone that was no longer around and she didn't want to make it any more difficult. She is very proud of you for taking this step and is sure to periodically remind you just how much. Which you appreciate, even if the praises make you a tad uncomfortable. Then as a partial joke, she began to make subtle hints about getting a dog together which made you stress a little. Co-owning a dog with someone is much easier when the people live together. You wanted to ask her to move in with you but you weren't quite sure if you were ready for that step yet. As of now, you know that you need to live at the house alone for a bit to decide what you want to do with it first.

Stevie is thrilled that you are ready. They couldn't wait to find out what you do with the house. Whether you chose to continue on or to sell it, they were ready to support your decision. However, the housing market isn't what it was when you bought the place and they knew there would be some struggle not only to buy a new house but to sell this one. They refrain from mentioning this so it doesn't force you to make a decision that you don't want to. It wasn't their place to weigh in. "Okay lovebirds," Stevie claps their hands to grab your attention. "We better get back to work before Jules and I get too sick to help." They mash all of their trash together and toss it into the paper bag.

"Alright, we'll try to be less mushy," you promise as you clean up the garbage in front of you and Leigh.

"Thank you, I cannot handle another second of it," Jules grouches as she adds her trash to the bag. Although Jules wished her and Leigh could have gone through their breakups together, she was happy to see her sister be this happy with someone. She never knew that level of happiness existed with another person and now that she knew it was possible it made her feel better about the ending of her relationship. She wants what you and Leigh have, even though neither of you knows what that is just yet.

Leigh wants to scold her sister for being rude but she thinks better of it. Instead, she focuses on getting you packed up and ready before her and Stevie go and pick up the moving truck tomorrow. She gives your hand a quick squeeze before pulling away from you and putting your things into boxes. You had forgotten how much of your crap you had moved into Stevie's house until you were packing it all up again. Plus you bought quite a few things when Leigh saw to it that you decorate the house to make it less of a gloomy place. Most of it you were leaving behind because Stevie wanted it. However, to make Leigh feel better, you were still bringing some of it along with you.

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