Eda x Scout!Reader (Romantic)

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Not a Request!


Story: Y/n is a scout in the Emperor's Coven, and Eda meets them again after years.


Eda was out in town, buying more of her elixir. "Thanks Morton." She put the snails on the counter.

"No problem Eda!" The young shopkeeper smiled.

Eda turned and began to walk away. She suddenly saw a couple of coven scouts up ahead and scowled. "Ugh, Emperor's goons-" she hissed.

One of the scouts noticed her.

"What is it, Y/n?" Steve asked them.

"Uh, nothing-" they turned away. Steve looked to where Y/n was. He saw the Owl Lady and smiled.

"Her?" He pointed at Eda.

"Wha- what about her?" Y/n tried to play dumb.

"You like her, don't you?" Steve poked his friend.

Y/n crossed their arms and looked away. "Maybe once, but I've put the past behind me. I have to focus on now, not old crushes-"

Steve tilted his head. "I mean, who says anyone has to know?"

Y/n looked up, a bit surprised.

"I sure won't, if you don't want me to-" he shrugged.

Y/n rubbed their arm, unsure. They sighed. "Okay, I'll give it a shot-" they began to walk over to Eda.

The Owl Lady tensed when one of the scouts approached her. She reached for her staff, just in case.

"Wait-" Y/n held up their hands in defense. Eda paused. They took of their mask. She gasped.

"Hey Eda.." Y/n smiled softly.

"Uh, hi.. Y/n." She lowered her hand, relaxing a bit. She shuffled her feet nervously.

"How have you been?" Y/n asked.

"Pretty okay, but the curse has still been a pain in the backside-" Eda chuckled a bit.

"Hm, yeah.." Y/n glanced away for a moment.

"And you? Is the Emperor's coven as great as you thought?" Eda crossed her arms.

"It's okay, sometimes. We only get a break like once a year, but sometimes be can slack off when nothing interesting is happening- don't tell anyone that though-" Y/n giggled.

Eda snorted. "Ha! Yeah-"

Steve smiled as he watched them talk. He did a good thing. Suddenly he got a call saying they needed help with a few criminals on the other side of town. He looked up at Y/n and Eda. He didn't want to interrupt them but duty came first, unfortunately.

"Y/n-" Steve walked over. Both witches turned to look at him.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we gotta go-" he held up his crow phone. He then began to slowly walk away so they could have a moment longer.

"So, I haven't taken my day off yet- maybe this weekend we could- hang out?" They suggested.

Eda blushed a little bit. "Yeah, that's be nice."

Y/n put their mask back on. "Seeya, Eda."

"Bye N/n," Eda waved as they ran to catch up to Steve. She sighed.


That weekend, Eda and Y/n met up just outside of Bonesborough. They sat together atop a hill and watched the clouds.

"Lilith misses you, you know," Y/n said.

Eda sighed. "I know. I just wish she would stop trying to force me into the Emperor's Coven."

Y/n frowned. "You used to want to join the coven, so why did you change that?"

"I don't like the idea of having to only join one coven.  We should be able to practice at least two or three. It might make things easier sometimes.."

"Hm.. well in the Emperor's Coven you CAN practice more than one-" Y/n shrugged.

"Yeah, but it sounds boring. Being stuck following orders, only one day off a year- it sounds like rules! You know I hate rules. Plus I can't steal anything."

Y/n rolled their eyes. "Why can't you just buy it? You get payed for being a scout-"

"Yeah, but how much? Like 50 snails?" Eda laughed.

"200 every month. It's not terrible-"

"Hm. Yeah but you gotta pay bills and junk, so..."

"Well we live in the castle so not really-"

"You sound like you're trying to convince me to join the coven, yuck-" Eda crossed her arms.

"Well.." Y/n picked at the grass. "It would be nice to have you around again. I want it to be like old times-" They took her hand.

Eda's eyes widened and she looked back at the sky.

"I miss you, Eda. You could still join.. and we could be together. Not just me and you, too, you can have your sister back too." They told the witch.

Eda thought about it. "No thanks. I mean, I would love for it to go back to the way it was, but I have a good life."

"Being chased by the law is a good life?"

"Heh, not that. I mean, I have kids to take care of. Well- not my kids. They're adopted. Sorta. They don't really have much place else to go, so I have to take care of them."

Y/n sighed. "I know I can't change your mind. Just remember, Eda. I'll always love you."

Eda smiled. "I love you too, Y/n."

Y/n stood up and held out their hand. "Let's take a walk."

"Okay." Eda took it and Y/n pulled her up.


Eda got home later that evening.

"Eda! There you are- where were you?"

"Catching up with an old friend."

Luz gasped. "Old friend? More mysterious past? Tell me! I n e e d t o k n o w."

"No. I'm tired."

"Aw man-" Luz pouted.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! More will be on the way pretty quick.

The Owl House x Reader One-Shots (VOL. I) // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now