Darius x Human!Reader (R) - I'm Here

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Requested by randomdrfanidk

Story: Y/n was almost killed the day before, and has been distant since. Darius decides to check on them.

P.S: Y/n was found and taken care of by the EC since they were a child. How they got their, idk man I'm too tired for that rn lol. Ask me later.

TW: Mentions of sexual assault, regular assault, trauma, child abuse and suicide

Y/n was cornered. Three thugs surrounded them in an alleyway, dead end. They couldn't fly away, because the criminals had stolen their staff from them.

They also had no glyphs on them, so they couldn't really fight. If they tried hand-to-hand combat, they would just get beaten to a pulp.

There was no way out.


Darius hadn't seen Y/n all morning. Last time he did, they had come back to the castle late evening, glossy-eyed and hugging themself. When he tried to ask what was wrong, they just kept walking.

He didn't question it much, considering that everyone had bad days sometimes. They had probably just failed at a mission or something. But they had locked themself in their room all night, not even coming out for dinner.

And now they hadn't joined him for breakfast either. Y/n hadn't come out of their room all night.

This was troubling. They always had an apetite, got up early and was very outgoing. The fact that they had shut themself away for even this long worried Darius.

So he decided to check on them. He walked down the carpeted halls of the Emperor's castle, his destination being his darling's room. (They weren't official yet, but they often used pet names and made acts that were similar to what a couple would do.)

Darius knocked on their door. "Y/n? Are you in there?" He called from outside their room.

They didn't answer.

"Y/n?" He called again.

Still no reply.

He sighed and began to turn himself to abomination. He slipped down to the musty vents, as much as he hated it. But he had to get to his Y/n. He found the shaft that led into their room, and he slipped through the grate.

Returning to his humanoid form, he found them silently crying on their bed, curled up against the wall.

"Y/n?" He softly asked for their answer. They jolted forward, startled.

"Da-Darius?! How did you-" Y/n began to ask questions, tears still dripping down their face. They were too freaked out by his sudden appearance to care.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"But-" they still questioned.

"Y/n," he said gently, but still slightly demanding. They shut up. Darius stepped forward and leaned onto their bed, putting a hand to their cheek. He wiped away the tears that still fell, despite their pause in despair.

"What happened?" He asked, slowly but curiously. He wanted to know who hurt his Y/n. And what made them cry like this.

"I... I don't know."

"That's not an answer," Darius said, sighing.

"Darius please, I don't wanna talk about it," Y/n said, bursting into tears again as they yanked themself away from the witch.

He frowned, but didn't move.

"Would you mind if I stayed here with you then? Just to comfort you?" He asked. They looked up and nodded a little.

Over the course of a half an hour, he took it slow and gave them some space while getting closer. He was soon laying beside them, and arm around their smaller body.

"Okay..." Y/n breathed. Darius looked at them, a little confused.

"I'll tell you," they further clarified. His eyes widened a little and they sat up together.

"There were these witches... dressed in dirty, damaged clothes. They said that I didn't belong here and..." they took a breath. Darius waited patiently, still holding their Y/n close.

"They told me that if I was gonna stay here, I should make myself useful.. and.. they cornered me. They-" Y/n choked on a little sob. Darius payed close attention to their actions. They closed their legs tighter and covered their upper body by hugging themself. They also winced a little at their own movement.

Darius understood immediately. He tried to stay content for Y/n, so he didn't stress them out more. But a burning fire raged inside. Oh, he would be sure to deal with that later.

"I'm so sorry that happened, love. I promise I will never let anyone hurt you again," he said. Y/n smiled weakly.

"Thanks Darius." They kissed him softly and leaned into their embrace more.

He rubbed their back slightly and pulled away after a moment. "How about we clean you up? Take a nice hot bath," he said. "That'll make your injuries feel better."

Y/n sniffled a bit. "Yeah, good idea. And um... would you wanna join me? I'm not sure I wanna stop hugging you," they asked.

Darius chuckled. "Of course, love."


Somewhere in a bar in the town of Latissa, three witches laughed and drank together. They staggered out of the bar, joking around.

They stopped for a moment, but continued to sway as they were drunk. Darius stood in front of their path.

"Hey," he said politely before his fists turned to abominations.


A/N: First Darius oneshot is away! This was probably one of my more angsty/fluffy oneshots. It was fun to write! Have a great day/night! ☄

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