Emperor Belos x Healer!Reader (Romantic)

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Not a Request!


Story: Belos gets injured in the fight against Luz. Y/n is tasked with healing him, and both of them catch feelings while talking.


Belos limped through the castle, trying not to show pain. The scouts and guards in the halls saluted him. Kikimora and the Golden Guard walked beside him.

"Sire, I really suggest you see a healer," Kiki insisted.

"I hate to agree with the gremlin-" Hunter gestured to Kiki, who scowled at his comment, "-but she's right. You are clearly injured."

"I'm fine-" he said before he began to cough. He bent over in pain, and Hunter helped him down the halls to the medical room. Y/n, the healer, turned and their eyes widened in shock.

"Emperor Belos-" they bowed. "Golden Guard-" they nodded at Hunter.

"Hello Y/n," he nodded at them. He'd been there before, so he knew them pretty well.

"The Emperor was injured in a recent battle, and requires medical assistance. I trust you can help him-?" Hunter asked.

"Of course," Y/n nodded. Hunter helped his uncle sit down.

"I have some things to attend to, so I should be on my way-" Hunter said and gestured towards the door. "Catch you later, Y/n. Take care, Emperor Belos-" he bowed and left.

Y/n began to gather up some supplies and set them on the table next to Belos. "Now, sir, where were you injured?" They asked him.

"Err, my arm," he pointed to his upper left arm. "And my side." He said.

"Can you take off the cape?" They asked. He nodded and unclipped his cape, setting it aside. Y/n saw deep gashes that cut through his clothes.

"Yikes, those look nasty. This might take a minute. Also, I hope you have some extra clothes, those are some big tears." They pointed out, and used some medical supplies to clean the wound before they did a spell. Belos watched them work. They seemed quite talented, he understood why they were chosen as healer.

Belos sighed. He couldn't believe he'd been beaten by a human girl. He was human, and quite powerful, but she was what, 13? 14? How did she find the glyphs so quickly? She'd only arrived a couple months prior. He didn't understand. It took him years to find those glyphs and master his own magic, so how did Luz accomplish it?

"How did you get these wounds?" Y/n asked.

"A battle," he simply stated. "It was at the petrification ceremony."

"Ah, got some rebels, do you?" They questioned as they tried to patch up his side wound first.

"Unfortunately yes," he nodded as he felt the pain start to dissipate. "The Owl Lady was rescued and Lilith betrayed the coven for her."

"Woah, did she really? Titan, I really liked her too. She was fun to talk with and stuff," Y/n was shocked.

"Yes, it is rather disappointing. She was quite skilled and efficient. Now I have to find a new coven head," he said.

Y/n furrowed their brows. Not just because of the news of Lilith betraying the coven, but also because this stupid wound was a tough one. They might have to just get as close as they could get and let it heal naturally the rest of the way.

"Who did you have in mind?" Y/n asked the Emperor.

"Maybe the Golden Guard would be a good choice. He is very well trained, and he has been seeming to itch for a bit of action."

"Yeah, he would be a good choice-" Y/n nodded. "Everytime he comes here he always says he wishes he could do more to help. I think you should give him a chance."

"Perhaps I should."

"This one is pretty bad. I'd say let it heal on it's own for a bit and come back for me to check on it in a few days. Maybe if it heals naturally I can help it along after it isn't so fresh," Y/n stopped the spell and got some bandages. They glanced at him a bit nervously.

"You seem quite tense, dear."

"Sorry, heh- I'm just not used to taking care of Emperor's in scary masks, you feel?" They chuckled.

'Scary mask?' Belos thought, raising a brow. Without thinking, he took off his mask and set it near his cape. Y/n turned around and froze in shock.

"O-Oh-" they glanced away and then back at Belos.

"This better?" He smiled.

"Maybe... yeah-" they blushed a tiny bit. He was older, but still attractive. He had a green scar running down from his hairline down his neck, probably further than that. His blue eyes were a bit dull from age, but still had emotion packed in them.

Y/n blinked, trying not to get distracted. They examined his wound again, realizing they couldn't patch it through the tear in his shirt. Their heart pounded, and their face flushed in embarrassment. Oh no..

"Err, I'm going to need you to take your shirt off, sir- I can't properly treat your wound.." they didn't finish before Belos was already taking it off.

"I understand, dear. It's quite alright," his face and ears dusted pink, a bit warm.

They looked him up and down, noticing many other scars before tearing their gaze away from him and focusing on the wound. This was so awkward. They wrapped the bandages around his torso and made sure they were secure. Then they moved to his arm. It wasn't as bad at his side, so it healed over nicely.

"Alright, all done-" Y/n put their supplies away. "I would highly reccomend taking it easy, and come back in a few days so I can check on your side. It'll either be healed on it's own by then, or I'll be able to fully heal it then. Other than that, you're good to go."

"Thank you, Y/n-" he put his shirt and cape back on. "You are an excellent healer."

"Thank you, Emperor Belos."

"Please, do me a favor. Just call me Belos. Thank you for helping me, you have my thanks," he put a hand on their shoulder. They internally panicked and just nodded.

"I'll see you again very soon," he picked up his mask and winked before putting it on. They blushed.

"Uh, yeah! See you soon-" they awkwardly waved. He left the room. Y/n slumped back on the counter. What the heck just happened?



"And then he winked at me!" Y/n buried their face in their hands.

"Eheh, all according to plan-" Hunter smirked.

"What?" Y/n looked up sharply.

"What?" Hunter shrugged, acting innocent.


A/N: I think I like Belos a little too much honestly. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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