Caleb x Witch!Reader (Romantic)

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Not a Request!


Story: Caleb meets Y/n and falls in love with them.

P.S. In this oneshot, Philip isn't against Caleb's relationship or witches because I like the chaotic dynamic lol


Caleb was walking through a town with his brother, Philip.

"What wonders shall that demon realm bring us today?" Caleb wondered aloud. "Will we ride a slitherbeast, will we get chased by fairies.."

"Will we actually do something OTHER than get into dangerous situations?" Philip rolled his eyes and continued writing in his journal. Caleb laughed.

"I was joking-" he said. "Hmmm... maybe we could.." he looked around and saw something that caught his attention. He grabbed Philip by the sleeve and pointed at the thing with his other hand. "Go to a carnival?"

"Woah!" Philip gasped. The two brothers walked into the area and looked around.

"What are those crazy contraptions? They look extremely dangerous- and I love it!" Philip looked at the rides.

"I thought you said you didn't want to get into some good ol' danger today?" Caleb poked him.

"Good danger isn't getting chased by fairies that want to eat your skin-" Philip smacked his brother's hand away.

Caleb rolled his eyes and continued to walk. His younger brother followed, fascinated by everything. He began to sketch out what some of the rides looked like in his journal and wrote stuff about them.

Caleb smiled and looked around. He saw witches and demons having fun all over. They weren't even paying attention to the humans for once. Usually they would get constant stares and judgement, but today was different, and he liked it.

He saw a stage area set up. "Huh, what's that?"

Philip looked up. "Looks like a performance area. Let's check it out-" he said and closed his journal for the time being. They both walked over and a stood with the crowd.

"And now, the moment you folks have been waiting for, the one, the only, Y/n!" The witch on stage announced. He threw some sort of potion on the ground and disappeared in smoke.

Suddenly flames sparked and spiraled up before quickly disappearing. In the place of the other guy was now a different one, quite good looking. They waved their hands and out came little lights trapped in bubbles. The crowd awed, amazed by the talented magic the witch performed. Caleb's eyes glinted with curiousity.

Suddenly the bubbles popped and turned into sparks before turning to water droplets, spraying the crowd. They cheered.

"Woah-" Caleb said. "That was incredible."

Philip noticed the way he looked at the witch. He knew that look. 'Not this again-' he thought.

The witch continued to perform, making small fireballs and launching them up in the air. They transformed into beautiful little flowers that floated gently down to the ground around them.

Caleb took note that the magic they displayed wasn't exactly like the other witches did. They just waved their hands and stuff happened. It was probably all part of the act, either that or they really did do magic differently.

Y/n did a few more things before bowing. They then grabbed the hem of their cloak and twirled around with it, covering themself before disappearing. The cloak gently drifted to the floor of the stage, and the crowd cheered, impressed. Caleb clapped as well, interested.

The Owl House x Reader One-Shots (VOL. I) // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now