(Reboot Notice)

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What's this?????

Geez, it's been a LONG time hasn't it, lol. 3 years? 4 years?

I never ever forgot this book, but I fell out of joy with writing and I could never find it in myself to come back. Recently though I've been rereading and I realised that I really do want to tell this story.

The original version of this was written when I was 14-15 and it shows. It was okay, but the paragraphing/writing wasn't great and you could tell that I was writing by the edge of my seat and that I was just writing what came to mind.

That's why I've decided that I will be rebooting this book. Eventually. I had a lot of fun ideas, but there was a lot lacking that I want to explore further in this new version, particularly the world building. There could have been a lot more that went into the layouts of the different locales and the residents that inhabited them, instead of just introducing a couple key characters.

I will be keeping a lot of the basic characters and plot elements, mainly since this is already an adaptation of an existing plot but I'll also be keeping some of my own original ideas (Alice I love you Alice...).

I don't know if anyone will even read this but yes, this story is not dead and I hope you will be interested in reading the new version!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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