Fields and Dresses

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Luigi tripped.

As soon as he took his first step onto the luscious grass of Plumpbelly Fields, butterflies flying around elegantly... he stumbled over his own wedding gown.

"Ow!" He complained as Jerry quickly helped him up.

"Are you alright, Luigi?!" Jerry panicked.

"I'm okay," Luigi said as he slowly regained his footing, only just avoiding another stumble.

"Not even one minute and he's down. Fantastic omen for things to come." Blooey muttered.

"Oh, don't be like that. It's going to be fine!" Luigi said as he stumbled onwards.

Luigi was trying to be optimistic, but it was clear that he was not going to be any use during battles in this condition.

They continued across the flowery fields, with Luigi falling on his butt every other minute, only being helped up by Jerry. Blooey continued being rather uncooperative on the whole, constantly muttering "stupid dress", while the Terrible Trio didn't really do anything.

Suddenly, while they were walking through a large patch of flowers, the butterflies that had been flying around them all scattered away.

"Why are insects always able to sense evil before it happens?!" Jerry cried. "More importantly, what terrible monsters await us now?"

Some tiny little snakes began burrowing out of the grass; miniature, one-headed snakes slithering around. Unlike Hizza, they were incapable of speech, and could only let out hisses.

"Some wild Snakes appeared!" Blooey chuckled, as everyone stared at him blankly. "Never mind."

"Let's beat them!" Luigi exclaimed as he brought his Hammer out from... somewhere or other in his wedding dress.

"Where in the mushrooms did you pull that out from?!" Jerry exclaimed.

"Simple. From Hammerspace." Luigi said, grinning. Meanwhile, Blooey could only facepalm at this.

"Anyway, let's do this thing!" Luigi charged towards the snakes... and fell flat on his face well before even reaching them.

"Yeah, uh... sorry, gonna have to leave this to you guys..." Luigi chuckled nervously as he got himself back on his feet.

"Great, now we have to protect him," Blooey complained as he used Ink Splash to squirt his ink at the snakes. It blinded them temporarily, but they quickly recovered, and it wasn't hurting these particular critters.

And the Terrible Trio... weren't really helping that much. But somebody had a plan.

"Leave it to me! Special attack, activate! CHERRY BOMB!!" Jerry yelled as he lit his fuse and exploded. A miniature blast engulfed all the snakes within range. And when the dust settled, Jerry was standing there in the middle of all the snakes who were lying dazed on the ground.

"You see? It's amazing!" Jerry exclaimed, a prideful smile on his face. "I can explode however many times I like and nothing happens to me! Don't quite know how it works, but it's rather handy!"

"Yeah, that's definitely gonna come in useful." Luigi agreed as the Snakes burrowed back into the ground.

"Right, then, let's keep moving!" He announced as he steadied himself and started stumbling forward again. Everyone else followed.

As they trekked onward, Jerry pointed out something that had started to become visible in the distance.

"Do you see that massive fortress over there? I think that must be Hizza's lair!" He remarked.

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