Scorching Showdown

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After resting for a little while, Luigi's energy had been sufficiently restored and he was ready to continue onwards. "Come on, Blooey!" he exclaimed. "...Blooey?"

Blooey was fast asleep, snoring. "Oh, come on, really?" he said with a chuckle. Luigi shook Blooey awake. "W-What was that for?!" Blooey exclaimed. Luigi didn't bother replying.

After Blooey was back on his tentacles, they peered down through the opening again. The lava was bubbling in places, and occasionally it was spurting upwards as well. "Oh my mushrooms, this doesn't look safe..." Luigi complained.

"Oh, we'll be fine," Blooey assured as he started making his way down the rocky volcanic path. After some hesitation, Luigi reluctantly followed him.


Even though the walkway was spacious enough, Luigi frequently found himself wobbling and losing balance as he looked at the bubbling lava below. "Steady there, don't look down." Blooey advised.

"It's been tough enough getting to this point. I don't think they'll be letting up on the obstacles." Luigi said. Blooey nodded.

"But this path is completely clear of obstacles. What could they possibly-" Blooey began, but was violently cut off when he heard a rumbling sound from above. A chunk of rock crumbled down, and Luigi and Blooey dived ahead to safety as the rock crashed through the path behind them.

"Whew, that was a close one..." Luigi commented. "Yeah, but we ain't getting back the way we came. And plus, that's probably not the only trap. This place will be rigged with 'em." Blooey responded.

"I guess the only way is forwards. But now we know to be prepared for possible traps." Luigi said. They continued down the path, nothing out of the ordinary happening.

"Hmm, perhaps that was the only one-" Blooey began, but was again cut off when the path began crumbling beneath them. Blooey made it across just in time, but Luigi didn't.

"Quick, grab my tentacle!" Blooey exclaimed, holding his tentacle out. Luigi took it just before he fell down into the inferno. After some struggle, Blooey managed to pull him up.

"Wow, your tentacle's pretty slippery," Luigi laughed. "How about 'Wow, Blooey, thanks for saving my life!'" Blooey joked. They continued down the spiraling path, slowly getting closer to the bottom of the volcano.

"Right, looks like a pretty clear path-" Blooey began, but was cut off by Luigi. "You're jinxing it with your comments, you know." Luigi said.

As the two made their way further down the path, they were confronted by Piranha Plants emerging from the rocks. "Don't worry, Luigi, this'll be an easy job." Blooey said. True enough, with Luigi using Hammer and then Blooey finishing off with Wrangle, each and every batch of Piranha Plants was finished off quickly.

Soon enough, they were approaching the end of the path. The bottom of the volcano. "Finally, the end is in sight!" Luigi exclaimed happily.

There was a circular, rocky platform right at the end of the path, situated at the very bottom of the volcano, right in the middle. It looked kind of like an arena. Luigi could see nothing noteworthy on it, which made him wonder how they would proceed.

Unfortunately, there was one more obstacle in store for them.

There was a violent rumbling sound behind them. Luigi froze while Blooey cautiously turned around.



".....There's a boulder rushing towards us."

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