To the Volcano!

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Luigi woke up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for his task. He realized a couple of things before he even got out of the bed. One, he hadn't changed out of his regular clothes last night. Two, he'd forgotten to set an alarm...

"Oh, no! Please say it's not too late!" Luigi panicked as he checked the clock on the wall. 4:30am. His usual wake-up time. "Whew! Good thing I'm such an early-morning person!" He quickly ate a piece of buttered toast, which was, inexplicably, already there on a plate on the table, and headed out of the hotel room.

Sneaking past so as not to awaken the sleeping (and snoring) Alice the Koopa, which would result in serious trouble, he left the hotel and headed on over to the village entrance, where Blooey was already waiting for him.

"What took ya so long?" Blooey said with a smug smile. Luigi began to wonder how much sleep this guy actually got. "Good morning to you, too," Luigi said with a chuckle. "We should probably get going-"

Luigi was interrupted when he noticed a figure making its way towards them. "Who's that?" he wondered before realizing that Mayor Forrester had promised to see them off. He was walking very slowly, but eventually, he reached the duo. It was indeed the Mayor.

"I'm... not used to waking up this early... and I probably won't ever again." Mayor Forrester murmured, obviously tired. "But anyway... do try to be careful, you two..." Luigi nodded and said, "We'll do our best!"

Mayor Forrester managed to shake both their hands (or, rather, hand and tentacle). "I must go back to sleep... Good luck, you two... Please save our forest." said Mayor Forrester quietly.

"We won't let you down, sir!" Luigi exclaimed. "Well, hopefully not. Ya never know." Blooey said. Luigi elbowed him before he could say anything else.

Thankfully, Mayor Forrester seemed to not hear Blooey's comment, and staggered back to his house for some more sleep. "Alright, let's go!" exclaimed Luigi, as he and Blooey went back down the entrance path, and back out into that cursed jungle.

Blooey joined your party!


As soon as Luigi stepped back into the dark, miserable woods, he could feel the enthusiasm seeping away from him. "This lack of energy... it's so bad that it's affecting our minds. We need to get this over with, as quickly as possible..." Luigi murmured.

"Yeah. I almost feel like... I'm losing determination as we speak. Quick. We need to get this over with." said Blooey as he began making his way through the foliage in the direction of the volcano. Luigi had to force himself to follow.

Soon enough, two Jack O'Goombas jumped up out of the trees. "AAAARGH!" Luigi shrieked, falling down in shock. The Jack O'Goombas recoiled from the volume of his scream, and scuttled away.

"Wow... Uh... Intriguing ability there. Not sure if it's something to be proud of though..." Blooey laughed.

Luigi scowled. "Well, at least it's helping." And with that, the two continued on their way through the withering trees. Every time they came across Boos, or Swoopers, or anything else, Luigi was able to scare each one of them off without trying.

Eventually, though, they stopped in their tracks. "Ugh, what now?" Luigi complained. Sure enough, they had reached an impasse. There was a great tangle of vines and brambles blocking the route. "Damnit." Blooey muttered.

They both sat in thought for a few moments. Suddenly, Bloory jumped up. "I've got a plan." he said, unzipping his brown backpack and rummaging through the supplies contained inside. He found what he was looking for, closed the backpack up and slung it back over his shoulders.

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