A New Companion

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Luigi kept on walking down the path. It certainly wasn't a straight path; it kept twisting left and right. Luigi had been going down the path for a while but he wasn't getting anywhere. "I wonder how long this path is... there's really nothing very interesting to look at." Luigi mused to himself.

Suddenly, he stopped. He looked down at the muddy path. "Now that's very weird..." Luigi said quietly. And indeed, it was very weird. Because here, at this point on the muddy path, which had been completely devoid of life until now... there were tiny shoots of grass sprouting. "How strange. I wonder if this continues as I go further down..." Luigi wondered.

He walked farther down the path, and his suspicions were proven to be true. The shoots of grass continued appearing, but even more than that, the further Luigi went, the longer the grass was getting. "What the heck's going on?" exclaimed an astonished Luigi.

He kept walking, and the grass kept getting longer, until Luigi was actually standing, not on a muddy path, but on a walkway of lush, green grass. "Wow, this grass is... so out-of-place. It doesn't even feel like this is a junglranymore... I guess I'm near the end?" Luigi said.

Finally, the end was in sight. Another green arch could be seen looming over the area in front of Luigi, where the trees stopped lining the path. He went through the arch, but as soon as he did, he froze. He couldn't go any further. He was almost forced to stop and just look.

Because right in front of Luigi, was possibly the most beautiful town he had ever seen. It was almost like one giant garden. The ground was made almost entirely of grass, with little paths whose colours blended naturally into the garden aesthetic.

Little country houses appeared sporadically around the area. Each of them had a little fenced-in area which acted as a garden, and many of them featured pleasing arrangements of flowers, as well as animals. "W... Wow... This place is amazing..." whispered Luigi.

Luigi noticed that the trees formed a sort of circular border around the whole town, almost serving as a barrier from the outside world. "Oh! So that's why I couldn't see in from the outside. And why the trees seemed to form a circle." The whole place was one huge, inexplicably beautiful town contained within a creepy, unappealing jungle. Luigi also saw the canopy of leaves covering the sky. Yet the whole place was still naturally, effortlessly bright...

"The whole existence of this place is mysterious." said Luigi to himself, deep in thought. But he was interrupted by an official-sounding voice. "Ah, we have a visitor!" the person exclaimed. It was a Bub-ulb, wearing a top hat over the flower on his head.

"Greetings, sir. My name is Mayor Forrester. Welcome to our humble town of Jungleford!" the Bub-ulb smiled warmly as he extended a hand (which shouldn't have existed, but as per Luigi's oath, he was ignoring anything out-of-place). Luigi shook it.

"I-It's nice to meet you, sir. I'm Luigi." said Luigi, somewhat unnerved at the fact that he was standing in front of the mist important person in the town. "Oh, sir, please don't feel the need to be quite so civil. As you can see, we're all peaceful and friendly. Just call me Mr. Forrester." said Mayor Forrester.

Luigi began to feel more relaxed and he smiled."So, Mr. Forrester, this is a beautiful town you have!" Luigi said. Mayor Forrester beamed. "I'm pleased to hear it, Mr. Luigi!"

Luigi decided to jump straight into what was on his mind. "Sir, if you don't mind my asking, what's the story behind this place? It's beautiful yet just... so unnatural. I get the feeling there's something more behind it." Luigi inquired.

"Ah yes, well, it's not exactly a brief story. Perhaps I could escort you to my home and I'll tell you there. You can see the sights and meet all the residents along the way!" Luigi nodded, and they set off towards the mayor's house.

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