The Cunning Disguise

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"Oh, mah rotten mushrooms, someone 'elp 'er!" Ol' Koopa screamed as his daughter squirmed and struggled in the snake's grasp.

"It would be bessst if you sssimply sssubmitted to me instead of ssstruggling, girl... My teeth are very sssharp!" Hizza hissed. His two heads spoke at the same time, and it made his voice sound like a strange echo.

Luigi cowered in fear.

"For goodness' sake, Luigi, the chief's daughter is in danger! Are you just going to sit there?!" Blooey snapped.

"Y... You're right." Luigi murmured. He stood up and equipped some Fire Flowers.

"Let's see if this works!" Luigi said as he launched a multitude of Fireballs at the snake. Unfortunately, though, Hizza did not seem at all fazed by what was happening.

"You think that sssome pathetic fireballsss will be enough? Pitiful effortsss..." Hizza taunted, hissing what sounded like laughter.

"Oh, yeah? Try this, then!" Blooey shouted as he used Ink Splash. However, Hizza slithered out of the way, dodging.

"It isss hopelessss... what are you trying to do?" Hizza further taunted.

Luigi and Blooey continued throwing their best attacks at the snake, but nothing worked. Eventually, Hizza finally brought things to an end.

"I am very unimpressssed... It will be very easssy escorting thisss young maiden to my lair..." Hizza gloated as he began to slither away.

They continued the best they could, tossing fireballs and ink at Hizza, but he evaded them and continued his escape.

"Not on my watch! Get back here!" Luigi shouted as he and Blooey charged after Hizza... but no matter how fast they run, Hizza was even faster.

"Now, let usss give our fair maiden a bit more dignity. Come, sssit on my back, would you, young one?" Hizza said as he coiled his head around and gently deposited Mary onto his back, unharmed.

"Help!!!" Mary, the chief's daughter, squealed.

But it was no use. Hizza put all his speed in, and dashed out of the village faster than Luigi and Blooey could follow him. They chased him as best they could, but soon enough he was just a blur on the horizon, soon vanishing completely.

Luigi and Blooey collapsed on the ground, breathing hard.

"That was... an utter failure..." Luigi sighed to himself. "I could have saved her... but..."

"Luigi, no. Don't knock yourself down... we tried the best we could." Blooey murmured.

However, that sentiment was not shared by Ol' Koopa, who stomped over to them, tears running down his face.

"What was that?! You're meant ta be legendary heroes?! Ya couldn't even save mah daughter!" Ol' Koopa growled.

Luigi sighed. "I'm really sorry, okay...? We'll definitely save her-"

"Oh, yeah, like ya just did earlier! And I thought ya could save mah people..." Ol' Koopa muttered as he stomped back to his house and locked the door.

Luigi just lay on the floor, full of guilt and regret. Blooey had no idea what to say to him.

Suddenly, one of the house doors opened and a Bob-omb came hurrying out of it. This particular Bob-omb was red, and his fuse was shaped like a cherry's stem.

"Are you alright, sir?! It looks like you've been given quite a beating!" the Bob-omb exclaimed as he made his way over to the duo.

"No, not really, but thanks." Luigi muttered.

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