A Terrorized Village

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As the boat docked at the Strudel Continent, Luigi and Blooey stepped off of it.

"Don't you find it funny? I mean, no one's commented on your crispy colour at all! Everyone probably just thinks it's another natural Blooper colour!" Luigi remarked, elbowing Blooey lightly.

Blooey rolled his eyes. "They're probably too scared to comment on it."

The duo approached the information desk nearby and spoke to the Noki behind the information desk. "Good morning, ma'am, which way to Plumpbelly Village, please?" Luigi asked her.

"Just follow that path through Plumpbelly Fields and you'll get straight there," the Noki said, pointing to the path, which was made of stones embedded in grass. The area ahead had a straight line of trees, as if acting as a fence, but there was a gap in the line which the path led through.

"Thank you," said Luigi, as he and Blooey wandered to the path and began making their way down it.

"Wow, this is beautiful!" Luigi exclaimed as they emerged into Plumpbelly Fields.

"It sure is." Blooey agreed.

Indeed, it was. Plumpbelly Fields was not as unattractive as the name suggested; rather, it was completely filled with grass, flowers dotted everywhere, butterflies flying around, gently flapping their wings... it was truly a sight.

Luigi could just imagine the children out here, playing ball games or making daisy chains... except there weren't any. There were no people anywhere to be seen.

Something felt strange to Luigi. If there was a village right next to the field, you'd expect multitudes of people to be out enjoying it. Why weren't they out? Maybe they were... avoiding something?

"Blooey, something's going on around here. Can you feel it too?" Luigi whispered to Blooey.

"Yeah, I know what you're talking about. As much as I'd like to enjoy the view, I feel like we should pick up the pace and get to the village." Blooey whispered back.

They continued following the path of stones embedded in the grass, a bit faster than before, and eventually, they reached the entrance to Plumpbelly Village.

There was wooden fencing, constructed in a relatively large square, clearly marking the boundaries of the village. At the front part of the fencing, in the middle, there was a very simple, wooden entrance arch with a sign on it, reading "PLUMPBELLY".

"Feels a bit like a ranch, this, don't you think?" Luigi commented as they entered through the arch and into the village.

"It's pretty nice," Blooey agreed as he admired the scenery of Plumpbelly Village.

The village was similar to the fields, with mainly grass, and stone paths embedded within. Simplistic houses, red and white mostly, dotted the area, their chimneys emitting small wisps of smoke.

A fountain could be seen in the middle of the village, its waters gently cascading from top to bottom, with benches around it.

Some of the villagers had fenced gardens with cows, chickens and/or other animals in them. Flower patches were scattered around, the flowers' shining in the sunlight.

"Gee, this place is almost exactly like Jungleford, that last village we were in. Except this one isn't covered up by giant leaves," Blooey chuckled.

"That's not a bad thing, is it? It just shows how beautiful this kingdom is. Besides, I'm sure we'll see something different in the next place we go to," Luigi said.

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