Not Letting Go (Nebula)

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Peter Parker, better known as the Amazing Spider-Man, was currently in his hero suit enjoying the slight party held within the Avengers' Mansion. He would prefer to be out in the city and stopping more crime from happening, but he had been persuaded by Stark to relax for a bit. Sure he now never saw Stark as an ally, but he knew that the Armored Avenger was very reliable when he needed the help.

So he arrived, the arachnid hero sighed in tiredness. He tried to stay for a bit more time, to be able to enjoy it a bit longer. But he really needed to get out as quickly as possible. He sat near the bar area with some of his friends like Wolverine and Star-Lord, who were now entering in a drinking contest.

"What do we have here? A handsome man trying to escape from this party?" He smiled, already recognizing the beautiful yet sensual voice of the female that was talking to him. He didn't even have to turn around to know who she was, as he just needed to glance to the side to see the black hair of the female, who was wearing a strapless silver dress, that was now sitting right next to him. "Hello, Te-Te"

"Nebula..." The foster daughter of the Mad Titan smiled at him, her blue eyes staring at him with care. He sighed softly, his mind immediately going back to the time when Nebula had started calling him Te-Te. It was after a short adventure through the cosmos, with Nebula shorting his first name as a way to infiltrate a spaceship that dealt with protitution of various species. Ever since then, she kept calling him with the same nickname. "I'm surprised to see you here. I half expected you to have your blaster up the Titan's ass"

"Believe me, I am half tempted to do just that" Nebula's answer made Peter chuckle a bit. He even saw just how Vision, weirdly dressed in a black suit and tie, served the two of them a mug of beer. Peter nodded at the android, glancing at Nebula with the mug in his hand. She smiled at him, something he noticed she only did around him. Both of them collided their mugs softly, a silent cheer between the two before they decided to drink bits of the alcoholic liquid inside of the mug. "So... Why haven't you already left the party?"

"Stark practically coerced me into coming. You know how he is with his guests" Peter rolled his eyes behind the mask, sipping a bit more of the beer through the glass mug. He chuckled a bit, watching just how Nebula hummed a bit as she sipped a bit of beer as well. "He even had a hidden protocol to look for me and drag me into the party if I didn't arrive"

"Is Stark that desperate?" Peter nodded his head, already knowing that Anthony Stark was that desperate. Peter even had to wonder what Hellcat saw in the man to actually be in a relationship with the Armored Avenger. But he was not here to judge.

"You don't even know half of it" Peter then chug the remaining beer down his throat, releasing a sigh in content. He even watched Nebula do the same, making him smile a bit. "Say... Why don't we head out for a more private setting? I feel as if Tony had something else in mind when he invited me here to the party" He watched just how the smile on the black haired woman widened slightly, seemingly agreeing with his idea. He hid his mouth again, covering it with his mask. "So, where do you want to go?"

"Why don't you decide, Te-Te?" Peter smirked at that. Standing up, he extended his hand towards the beautiful robotic woman right in front of him. He felt her hand on his own, grasping at it with a slight force. But to him, it felt soft. Without wasting any more time, Peter left the party with Nebula following right behind him.

Time Skip; Peter Parker's Apartment

"Hm~ Come on, Peter~" He smirked as he heard her moans. The woman's dress was now forgotten at the edge of the bed. He saw her beautiful yet scarred blue body that was shown to the world. But Peter didn't care, even as his eyes glanced at the robotic arm that the female had. She had accepted him with all of his faults, so he will accept her with all of hers as well. "Te-Te... I'm..."

"Nebula... You know how this game works..." Hearing her gasp in slight shock was like music to his ears. He had withdrawn his hand back, gaining a bit of satisfaction as soon as he saw her blush a slight dark purple. He was amazed that Thanos didn't replace that area. And if he did, the Titan did an amazing job in replicating the organ. "You haven't said the magic word~"

"Te-Te~ Not this time~ Please~" He smirked a bit, standing up from the bed and walking towards his drawer. He looked into the mirror it had, watching Nebula's actions carefully. It was obvious that she wanted more. He sighed, seeing that she had not tried to stop him, he began to walk to the door. "W-Wait! I-I'll say it!" Peter smiled a bit at her words, his body turning around watching the beauty in his bed deviate her sight elsewhere. He had half expected her to demand it a bit strongly, but she was very submissive when it came down to it. "P-Please... Make me yours once more~ Just how you did it that time on the spaceship~!"

"Now... was that so hard?" And it was then that Peter pounced at her. The two enjoyed the little game more than what they would actually admit. And even if this was a well hidden secret between the two, he knew that sooner or later it would get known. He just hoped that Nebula's foster sister, Gamora, wouldn't try to kill him.

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