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    Tommy had always taken a liking to the sea, the way the air smelt when near it, the way the color was as blue as the sky, if not bluer, and beyond all of this, he adored being in the sea, swimming till the sky turned black.

    Of course, he cherishes the winter that his kingdom held, and the snow that falls on the ground for most of the year, but he notices how his family happens to enjoy it more that he does, they embrace the freezing breeze that flows throughout the castle, whilst he, bundles up in any stray blanket that happened to be laying around.

    Tommy's family, made up of five if he included himself, had been known to be that of the avian race, wings with the span of up to nine meters. He on the other hand, had shown no signs of gaining wings.

    An avian would normally gain their wings at the age of thirteen, when Tommy turned fourteen, he lost all hope of gaining them, but his mother had always reassured him, saying that she too, got her wings late.

    Tommy's mother had beautiful wings, as black as a crows. His father had black wings as well, but Phil's never compared to the color that his wife was blessed with.

    Unlike their parents, the other two sons, had completely different wings, the wings that belonged to Technoblade, were that of snow, they would blend in to the kindoms ground perfectly, while Wilbur's looked to be taken off of a great horned owls back and enlarged to fit Wilbur's.

    Tommy would often feel as though he was a burden, being here and alive and yet so far away and different.

    Tommy wished to be the same, but he wasn't.

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