An Encounter

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     There Tommy was, standing in front of her, an interesting look on his face, one that couldn't really be deciphered.

    Her hair was tied into a messy bun, her eyes darting around as she looked for an escape.

    Her attire was that of a Snowchester noble, not necessarily a princess of her territory, but probably something akin to the daughter of a Duke and or duchess.

    Snowchester was once a part of the imperial empire as a bordering kingdom, but it's sovereign prince, J Schlatt decided that he did not wish for his land to be used for empire purposes, forgetting that the land was gifted to him with a contract in the first place.

    He declared war amongst the empire, and although the Antarctic Empire could have pulled through and still come out victorious, the Emporer's people did not wish for war, and the upper hierarchy decided amongst themselves for one to come forth and speak with the Emporer about such agreement.

   That person being Xisuma Void, Grand Duke of Hermitcraft, he convinced the emporer that snowchester would not be a great loss for them, and if they gave the land to Schlatt to solely rule over, the land would turn to peril, and they could once again claim the land as there own.

    And it did, for the most part, until J Schlatt perished of a stroke, leaving his husband, Quackity with the remains.

    Quackity built it up, and spread out south from the original plot, but eventually decided against ruling over it all and took an area that was to the south and led it as his own, he and J Schlatts offspring, Tubbo, was throned early on and forced to take the stand as Leader.

     "You spy." He spat out with an icy tone stabbing her in the throat.

    "No, no, no, you've got it all wrong, I am not a sp-"

    "Then what are you doing here? You're from Snowchester, you were not invited, and you're in the castle unannounced." His words were like a knife, cuting straight through her words, he narrowed his blue eyes, a darkness overflowing from his aura.

    "I'm just here t-"

    "Aimee? What are you doing here?" Duke Sam's voice could be heard from behind the girl, who was apparently named Aimee.

    She gasped out before shouting Duke Samuel's name, with no honorifics attached. She looked as if she was an inch from tackling him down into a tight embrace.

    Duke Sam chuckled and tilted his head at her, his smile was amused, but his eyes were showing his hidden confusion with a slight hint of being concerned.

    "What's going on?" His eyes were looking at Tommy, his head still tilted, Duke Sam Awedude was towering over both of them. Sam was great in height, with a build that was not lean nor builky when he was standing on his two legs.

    "I uhh, I was here for a visit, because I heard that you and Puffy were here, and I wanted to speak to you about something." She glanced back towards Theseus, who was still suspicious of her, but the tension in his shoulders slightly lessened.

    "Well, it is quite rude to show up unannounced Aimee." Sam sorta scolded.

    "I know, but I missed you and Puffy, and I heard Sally was gone so I thought I could be of some use?" The last part was a question, she rocked back and forth on her heals in an awkward way, apparently she hadn't been taught proper stances when talking to royalty.

    "Well, you could have atleast sent a message, we don't have a room set up for you." Tommy mentioned, even though Wilbur takes care of guests, he could bet that Sally's room was already taken apart to clean, not to mention that Aimee was probably of lower class that Sally, so she would probably be in western quarters rather than eastern.

    "Aimee, he's right you know." Sam said, looking down at her with what only could be explained as a parents glaring eyes, loving, yet upset.

    Tommy knew that look, and yet his heart still burned.

    "I know, but I didn't really think about it, do you think there's a chance that a room will be ready in time, or am I going to have to stay in the city for the time being?" She was fiddling with her hands nervously.

   "I don't know, we'll have to ask Prince Wilbur." Tommy says.

    He led the two of them to where he thought Wilbur could be, the music room, sure enough, he could hear the sound of guitar strings being strung.

    He walked forward and knocked on the door, hoping that his brother could hear him.

    After a couple of seconds, the door opened and a prince walked out, his attire was casual though, with a poet shirt, dark trousers, and walking boots paired together, his hair wasn't as put together as he normally keeps it and he had circles under his eyes.

    He'd been doing this all night then.

     "Hello." Wilbur said as he looked behind Tommy and saw Duke Sam and a girl he'd never met.

    Wilbur looked back to Tommy in a questioning glance, to which Tommy returned an apologetic one.

    "Hello brother, is there a chance that you could fetch a room for.. Aimee here?" He said, not knowing her title.

    "Uh, maybe," he said looking to her, he straightened his round reading glasses. "What is your title?"

    "Oh, huh, I forgot about that!" She let out an awkward chuckle. "I'm sovereign monarch of Snowchester!" She said with a chuckle.

    Tommy's and Wilbur's eyebrows raised, she was dressed in the attire, yes, but they assumed her to be a regular noble, not a sovereign ruler, but assuming is rude either way.

    "Okay." Wilbur said, pushing his glasses back to the bridge of his nose. "I'll call the servants and see if they can have it ready by sundown, sovereign monarch." He tilted his head down, the most an imperial prince should ever do to pay respect, he didn't have to do so, but he was always a polite one.

    "Oh! No need to do that!" A nervous laugh sounded through the walls. "For one, just call me Aimee! And two, you're far higher than me in respect! Now that I think of it-" She fell into an underpracticed bow, it was awkward and kind of horrific, not worthy of their title, but it was still endearing.

    "Please raise." Wilbur said, a strain on his face, he looked as if he didn't wish for her to embarrass herself any further.

    "Oh, yes!" She said, raising back up. "I apologize! I'm out of practice, Tubbo tends to keep it casual among nobles and such!" She was quite the awkward one.

    Did she just call young emporer Tobias, Tubbo?

     "Tubbo?" Tommy questioned.

     "Oh yes! Most people out of the empire call him Tobias, I forgot!" She certainly was odd.

    "Yes anyways, I'm sure Duke Sam and Prince Theseus can show you around!" Wilbur said, walking back into the music room to pour his heart out for the next three days.

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