Little Problems

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    "Sooo, I'm a siren..?" To say that Tommy was confused would be the understatement of the century.

   "Yes, you're a siren." His mother's voice was quite awkward.

     They were in the greenhouse where his mother would have a pool built, the greenhouse was quite empty to make room for the pool, but there was a beautiful perfume delight rose growing on each side of the glass buildings entrance, on the inside of course, they wouldn't do well in the freezing temperatures outside.

    "Don't most avians hate mers? What if the people hate me!?" His voice turned frantic, it would be horrible to know that one of the most beloved princes was something his kindom hated.

    "No, we won't tell them, but they will be concerned about you not having wings, we'll have to tell them that your wings had a deficiency and had to be amputated, or we will have to tell them that you didn't get any." It wasn't rare for an avian to have a wing deficiency, but it was rare that it was so bad that they had to amputate it, and it was seen as horrible, but if they were told he didn't gain wings at all, he would be looked down upon and be made out to be a laughing stock.

    That would be bad for his family's reputation, no, it'd be horrible.

    He couldn't do that to them.

    But it'd definitely be a hassle, they might even have to fake scars. And when a prince or princess loses their wings, they carry a mourning ritual, that would be a hassle.

     Wait a goddamned second...

     Did his other family members know?

     [ Heya, I just wanna tell you I'm not dead, I know I said I'd post in a few days, sorry. I'm suffering from minor writers block, and I have two books in drafts that I'm working on. Sorry this chapter is sooo incredibly short, I just knew I had to get one out, this is more like a wip than anything, maybe I'll make it one.]

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