Strange Things are Happening

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   Nowadays, Tommy doesn't fret over small things such as gaining wings, he frets more on keeping both the kingdom and his family happy. Of course, there's still a slither of hope that he'll get his wings on his sixteenth birthday, but he doesn't have much hope.

    He had noticed strange things happening, like how his arm hair stood up when he was around his family, as if he were instinctually scared of them, he wasn't though, he loved them.

    He noticed how his hair got softer and lighter as he got older, it was hard to keep short and was easy to brush out, but that's just him taking care of himself, right?

    He longed for the water more than he used to nowadays, but it was late winter!

    He longed for his family to be with him more often than not. And he despised being alone. But he didn't want them around.

    His words seemed to have gained their own accent, but no one seemed to notice.

    The cold stark air around him started to feel suffocating compared to the freshness it used to make him feel.

    He started to feel... beautiful, extraordinary, and elegant.

    He walked with grace rather than the clumsiness a teen walks with.

    He felt grown up.

    His family said nothing of it, brushing it off as puberty and nothing else.

    They treated him as an equal as well as a younger brother, a child, yet an adult.

    His thoughts were cut off as he heard the chime of a clocks hammer hitting the spring. He looked up to the clock, seeing it to be six in the evening. It was time for dinner.

    He quickly made his way out of his bedroom door, making his way through the east wing corridors. He went down a beautiful spiral staircase into a large ball room with blue, gold, and white lacing everything. He turned to go down another hall behind the stairs, into a large hallway that led to five doors, the door at the end of the hallway was larger than the rest, he didn't need to go there, he went to the last door on the right, to the dining room, where his family was waiting for him.

    "Sorry I'm late." He said to them as he was slowly walking towards his seat, the table was big and round, so no one was put above another, it was his mother's idea.

    "It is quite alright dear." His mother said, looking at him with her deep mauve eyes, her brown hair glimmering in the lighting, he wished he had at least one trait shared with her, he seemed to be the spitting image of his father, not that he minded, he was just sad that he didn't have the same looks as his mother.

    "What were you doing, Tommy?" Wilbur asked with a slightly sarcastic tone. Tommy was a nickname that his family had given him, his true name was Theseus, but no one liked the name much, a little too old for a teen his age.

    Wilbur was his older brother, tall and lanky in stature, Tommy could probably snap him in half, that was if he could catch him. Wilbur is 20 in age and going on weak, he acts like an old man. 

    "Not much, I took a bath, dried my hair, just some selfcare. You really should try it out sometime, get the wrinkles out of your face." Tommy said with a laugh following. 

    "Maybe you're spending a little too much time on that, your hair is literally glowing. How many products do you use on that shit?!" Wilbur asked as Techno looked up from his book at the mention of hair, probably because he thought we were talking about his pink locks, goddesses sakes he's vain.

    "Wilbur, watch your tongue!" Their father said looking at Wilbur with a playful glare.

    "But dadza-" Wilbur whined before getting cut off.

   "No, no buts, we are a royal family, we have reputations, we cannot have such vulgar words in our vocabularies." At this point, their father was on a rant.

    "Ok, ok we get it, 'We cannot have such vulgar words in our vocabularies'" Wilbur said with facetiousness dripping from his words. 

    "I mean it Wil." Phil said to him with seriousness, but soon, he started to laugh, everyone joining in on the laughter.

    Once their laughter calmed down, and they all fell into silence, they ate their dinner, with occasional quips at each other. 

    "You still didn't answer my question Tommy, how many products do you use?" Wilbur asked after a while of silence, everyone broke into laughter. 

    "Your still caught up on that?!" Techno asked while chuckling.

    "I mean, yeah, no one gets that good of hair without using products!" Wilbur yelled back in his defense. 

    "Well" Tommy started and everyone silenced. "I don't really use products, other than normal shampoo and conditioner" Tommy said as he looked to his family. They seemed confused, sure it was a joke in the beginning, but still, his hair wouldn't look so good without hair products.

    "That's just straight up bullsh-"



     They had days like this often, it was fun.

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