A Beauty

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    Tommy put on his boots before he walked through the door, he was going to town today to make sure law and order is kept. It was his job after all.

    He looked throughout the halls, but he couldn't seem to find his personal guard, Purpled, he should be around here somewhere.

    Purpled was a world wide known mercenary, that converted to a royal guard after the War of the Yearning they had with the badlands, they are at peace now of course, and are now sworn allies.

    He walked a quick pace down the hallway, in search for his companion, you know, the person who was supposed to make sure he stays alive!

    He passed his, Wilburs, and Techno's offices when he sees Purpled in his mother's office, they are talking to eachother in hushed voices, like they don't want anyone to hear their conversation.

    Tommy decides not to pry in on the situation, it's not his business anyway, and while he could take a peak, that violating the trust he shares with his mother.

    He walks to the end of the hall and back, pacing once, and then knocks on the door, hopefully giving them a little time to finish their conversation.

    The two people turn their heads to the door, noticing Tommy immediately, he's a little surprised that Purpled didn't notice him there the first time, he's both the captain of a group of extremely scary war criminals, and one of the most trusted guards for the royal family, he was trained to be on guard at all times.

    "Ah Tommy! So that's who was walking down the hall! I thought it was Jack doing his daily shift. Oh! Speak of the devil!" Of course he heard him, he always did, but right on que, Jack showed up on time, walking down the hall to make sure there were no strange break ins.

    He peaked his head in at the sound of his name being spoken.

    "Yes Purpled? Oh! You're highness of the imperial kingdom, grace to you and your family who keeps this land well!" His Irish accent was thick as he recited one of the several official respects to be given to Tommy's family, as he bowed deeply.

    "Oh get up you brunet leprechaun!" Purpled half-heartedly yelled to him, while walking over to him and shoving him lightly as he stands straight.

    "I am not a leprechaun!" Jack shouted back at him.

    "And I'm not a general."

    "But you are a general.... wait, are you doing that sarcasm thing? What have I told you about doing that Purpled!?" Jack called out.

    "Not like you're in any authority of me. Anyways, get back to your shift." He told him.

    "Yes Sir!"
     Purpled laughed as Jack left, he's honestly a ball of joy to be around, if not a little menacing, in a good way.

    "Well, as lovely as this is, I'm sure Tommy is here for something?" His mother spoke, her voice was a melody, anyone would want to listen to it forever.

    "Ah yes, of course, I'm here to ask for my personal guard, as it seems I have business in town." His voice was soft in a way only she could get him to speak. He loved his mother dearly.

    He ignored how she was the only one who didn't make the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

    Her wings ruffled up a bit as she turned to Purpled. "Well, I hope we do have another chance to speak this evening, you best get going!" She said as she shooed them off and out of her office, right after Purpled agreed.

    They gathered a few other guards and then made their way outside and down the cobbled path through the gardens, while it was snowy outside, most of their plants were known to thrive.

    The view from the bridge that went over the river and to the kingdom was glorious, you could see all of the buildings and homes.

    They walked through the main road, seeing many carriages and horse pulled wagons strayed about, there's nothing wrong with that.

    He walked down the road to continue to the central part of town, there stands a large fountain, of godly origins, Tommy's been known to be religious in the past, but never to one specific god.

     Something scratched the stone, horribly so, he wrote it down in the book he took with him to take notes, as well as gave the guards near him a permit to search for who did it, they will either be fined a hefty price, put in the dungeon for an amount of time, or be forced to work on the outer fields for the kingdom. None were fun, but who harms a godly fountain?

    He folds his book back to its resting position and puts it under his armpit, he had things to do.

   The town was filled with whispers as the prince walked by, if he could tell, he didn't let it bother him.

    He's probably the most beautiful of the princes, but not in a romantic way, it's more of an admiration sort of beautiful, everyone wanted to be him.

    There were stares on him as he did his duty, the people loved that this was his job, he kept their main kingdom so well kept.

    And even if there were mixed emotions about the imperial family, one thing was true, the wingless prince, was truly a beauty.

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