Answers to the Wrong Audience

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    A long time ago, Kristen met a prince, one with golden locks and eyes of the sky. His wings were that of a ravens, and his actions were always kind.

    She fell in love with that prince, with his contagious smile and his airy laugh.

    She bore his first child after four years of their marriage, they expected the child to be a female, and they were going to name her Willow, Melody, or Tallulah.

    Only, the child turned out to be a boy, stubborn right out of the womb, they dubbed him William, but Wilbur for short.

    The child's eyes were of mauve, like his mother, and his hair of a deep chocolate brown, also like his mother.

    Infact, he was basically the spitting image of her.

    But, there was an odd thing, just thirteen hours after giving birth to Wilbur, Kristen had yet another baby boy.

    They were not expecting this, and frankly enough, Kristen passed out from the exhaustion and pain.

    That left Phil to name the child.

    Phil wasn't good at doing things under pressure, that's why Kristen became queen, to help relieve some of the weight on his shoulders, for her to help him out.

    This was by her choice of course.

    Phil had issues with naming things, he was trained to be more of a warrior type prince, he was taught that naming things, brought attachment, and attachments, especially if the attachment was weak and frail like a small babe would be, ment weaknesses.

    He named the child Technoblade, yes, you heard me right, Technoblade.

    Safe to say, Kristen was furious. That's not a very good name.

   But Technoblade was beautiful, he had ruby red eyes, and later on, he grew dark wavy brown hair that was thick and soft.

    At five years old, the children were beginning gain their own preferences, much like his father, Techno took a liking to stories of war and despair, not to say Wilbur didn't like these stories, but he was more of a romantic.

    Techno decided that he didn't want brown hair at six, and his mother indulged, but only with slight highlights, she started small. Techno decided on a pink for his hair, Kristen was a little confused, but it wasn't going to change anything but his appearance, so she got his hair dyed.

    Techno loved it, and Wilbur liked it too, but preferred having brown hair himself.

    Everything was perfect, the kids were becoming great princes and the kingdom was at great peace.

    Until Kristen was pregnant again. You see, after the first two boys, she was told that she couldn't give birth to another baby.

    She was told that it was very likely that the baby, and or her, would pass.

    Kristen was bed rested for months after. And her mother, Clementine visited on the fourth.

    "Darling, you do know that both of you will live don't you?" Her mother was always a little too on the optimistic side.

    "I don't know anymore." Kristen was weak and ill, but beyond all of these, she was scared.

     "Why don't I tell you something interesting to get your mind of of it?" Clemintine was a sweet woman, and a very good story teller.

    "Please do." It was all she could say.

    "Years ago, even hundreds of years ago, the avian were at war with mer.

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